material [mə'tɪərɪəl] (adj.) 1. 物质的;物质上的;有形的2. 物质性的;实质的;重要的
3. 指与材料有关的
4. 物质的;实际的;重要的(指证据、事实)
5. 可供制造、建造、修理等的
material [mə'tɪərɪəl] (n.) 1. 材料;原料;物质2. 资料;材料
3. 布匹;面料
4. 衣料;材料(用于制作衣服等)
5. 事实材料;素材;(写作、演讲等的)素材
material, physical, corporeal
material 强调与非物质的事物相对,指与物质相关的、实际存在的事物。
physical 强调与精神、心灵等非物质方面相对,指与物质身体有关的事物。
corporeal 强调与非肉体、非有形事物相对,指有形体的、具有肉体的。
material [mə'tɪərɪəl] 1. ADJ 物质的;物质上的;有形的 Material means relating to or consisting of physical objects. The world's resources of material wealth are limited. ...the material world. ...the material universe. ...the material benefits of Western civilization. 2. ADJ 物质性的;实质的;重要的 Material means relating to or affecting the subject of a conversation or discussion. The President has not produced any material evidence to support his allegations. ...the laws governing trade and other material matters. ...the most important material question to consider. 3. ADJ 材料的;与材料有关的 Material means made from or consisting of a particular substance or material. ...the human body and its material existence. ...the material properties of the wire. 4. N-UNCOUNT 材料;原料;物质 Material is cloth which is used to make things such as clothes, curtains, or sheets. ...polyester material. ...a top made of stretchy material. 5. N-UNCOUNT 资料;材料 Material consists of things such as books, photographs, or recordings which you use to help you do a job, write a book, or produce a play. ...background material for teachers. ...the study of original source material.
material /məˈtɪərɪəl/ 1. ADJ 物质的;物质上的;有形的 Relating to or consisting of physical objects; not spiritual. His room was bare of material comforts. ...our material existence. 2. ADJ 物质性的;实质的;重要的 Relating to or affecting the subject of a conversation or discussion. There is no material evidence to support the allegations. ...a change in his material circumstances. 3. ADJ 材料的;与材料有关的 Made from or consisting of physical substances; material things can be seen and touched. ...material goods. ...the material world. 4. N-UNCOUNT 材料;原料;物质 Cloth or fabric. ...soft cotton material. ...a piece of material. 5. N-UNCOUNT 资料;材料 Information or ideas for use in creating a book, speech, etc. ...source materials. ...teaching materials.
- The building is made of sturdy materials. (这座建筑是由坚固的材料建造的。)
- He has gathered a lot of material for his research. (他为自己的研究收集了很多资料。)
- The material used to make this dress is very comfortable. (这件连衣裙的材料非常舒适。)
- She has not provided any material evidence to support her claims. (她没有提供任何实质性的证据来支持她的主张。)
- The teacher prepared a lot of study materials for the students. (老师为学生准备了很多学习资料。)
- The artist bought some new art materials for his next project. (这位艺术家为他的下一个项目购买了一些新的美术材料。)
- She used different materials to create her sculpture. (她使用了不同的材料来创作她的雕塑。)
- These materials are suitable for building houses. (这些材料适合用于建房。)
- The company is looking for a supplier of raw materials. (公司正在寻找原材料供应商。)
- The architect chose high-quality building materials for the construction. (建筑师选择了高质量的建筑材料进行施工。)
- The writer collected a lot of source materials for his new book. (作家为他的新书收集了很多资料。)
- She bought some new writing materials to start her journal. (她买了一些新的写作材料开始写日记。)
- The school provided teaching materials for the teachers. (学校为教师提供教学材料。)
- The company uses eco-friendly packing materials for their products. (该公司使用环保的包装材料来包装他们的产品。)
- He has a lot of research materials in his office. (他的办公室里有很多研究资料。)
- She chose a soft material for the curtains. (她选择了一种柔软的面料做窗帘。)
- We need to gather more material for our presentation. (我们需要收集更多素材来进行演示。)
- The company offers a wide range of materials for DIY projects. (该公司为DIY项目提供了各种各样的材料。)
- The professor provided the students with additional reading material. (教授为学生们提供了额外的阅读材料。)
- She used different materials to create a collage. (她使用了不同的材料来制作拼贴画。)
- The documentary is based on extensive research materials. (这部纪录片是基于广泛的研究资料制作的。)