1. 动词
英文翻译:abandon, renounce, reject, forswear
1.1 形容词含义
英文翻译:renounced, forsaken
1.2 名词含义
英文翻译:renouncement, renunciation
2. 词语辨析
abjure vs. renounce:
3. 词汇扩充
abjuration: n. 公开放弃,发誓放弃
abjuratory: adj. 发誓放弃的,公开放弃的
abjurer: n. 发誓放弃者,公开放弃者
4. 近义词
renounce: v. 放弃,抛弃
forswear: v. 发誓放弃,背弃
5. 反义词
embrace: v. 拥抱,接受
6. 柯林斯词典解释
abjure: If you abjure something such as a belief or way of life, you state publicly that you will give it up or that you reject it.
7. 牛津词典解释
abjure: Solemnly renounce (a belief, cause, or claim).
8. 用法
1. She abjured her former political beliefs and joined the opposing party.(她公开放弃了她以前的政治信仰并加入了对立党派。)
2. The defendant abjured his right to remain silent and chose to testify.(被告放弃了保持沉默的权利并选择作证。)
3. After years of studying, he finally abjured his faith and became an atheist.(经过多年的研究,他最终放弃了自己的信仰并成为了一个无神论者。)
4. The king abjured the throne in favor of his son.(国王放弃了王位,让给了他的儿子。)
5. She abjured her luxurious lifestyle and moved to a remote village.(她摒弃了奢华的生活方式,搬到了一个偏远的村庄。)
9. 相关的例句
- He abjured his allegiance to the political party he once supported.(他公开放弃了他曾经支持的政党。)
- After the scandal, the actress abjured her previous behavior and vowed to lead a more virtuous life.(丑闻爆发后,女演员公开放弃了她以前的行为,并发誓过上更加有道德的生活。)
- The rebel leader abjured violence and called for peaceful negotiations.(反叛领导者宣布放弃暴力并呼吁进行和平谈判。)
- She abjured her family's wealth and chose to live a simple life.(她公开放弃了家族的财富,选择过简朴的生活。)
- He abjured his citizenship and left the country.(他放弃了自己的国籍并离开了这个国家。)
- She abjured her former lover and vowed to never see him again.(她公开放弃了她以前的情人并发誓再也不见他。)
- The politician abjured his controversial views and publicly apologized.(这位政治家放弃了他引起争议的观点,并公开道歉。)
- He abjured his criminal past and turned his life around.(他公开放弃了他的犯罪过去,并改过自新。)
- The religious leader abjured his position and left the church.(这位宗教领袖放弃了他的职位并离开了教会。)
- She abjured her fame and retired from the entertainment industry.(她放弃了自己的名声,并从娱乐圈退休了。)
- He abjured his addiction to drugs and sought help for recovery.(他公开放弃了他对毒品的依赖,并寻求康复帮助。)
- After the accident, he abjured reckless driving and became a cautious driver.(事故发生后,他公开放弃了鲁莽驾驶,成为了一名谨慎的司机。)
- She abjured her former mentor and distanced herself from his teachings.(她公开放弃了她以前的导师,并与他的教导保持距离。)
- He abjured his old ways and embraced a new philosophy of life.(他放弃了他以前的方式,并接受了一种新的人生哲学。)
- Upon realizing the harm it caused, she abjured gossiping about others.(在意识到它带来的伤害后,她公开放弃了对他人的闲言碎语。)
- The rebel leader abjured violence and sought a peaceful resolution to the conflict.(反叛领导者放弃暴力,并寻求和平解决冲突。)
- He abjured his former career as a lawyer and pursued his passion for art.(他放弃了律师的职业,追求他对艺术的热爱。)
- She abjured her materialistic lifestyle and chose to live in a commune.(她放弃了她的物质生活方式,选择住在一个公社里。)
- He abjured his belief in traditional medicine and turned to alternative therapies.(他放弃了对传统医学的信仰,转向了替代疗法。)
- The politician abjured corruption and promised to lead with integrity.(这位政治家公开放弃了腐败行为,并承诺以正直的方式领导。)
- She abjured her former partner and vowed to never trust him again.(她放弃了她以前的伴侣,并发誓再也不信任他。)