1. computing /kəmˈpjuːtɪŋ/ (adj.) —— 计算的;与计算机有关的词语辨析
computing 和 computer science 都可以表示“计算机科学”,但 computing 更偏重于指涉计算机技术的应用方面。
computing power —— 计算能力
cloud computing —— 云计算
mobile computing —— 移动计算
quantum computing —— 量子计算
1. computing /kəmˈpjuːtɪŋ/ (n.) —— 计算机科学;计算 2. computing /kəmˈpjuːtɪŋ/ (n.) —— 计算机使用词语辨析
computing 作为名词,可以指代计算机科学的学科,也可以指代计算机的使用。
edge computing —— 边缘计算
distributed computing —— 分布式计算
high-performance computing —— 高性能计算
grid computing —— 网格计算
information technology, computer science, data processing
analog computing, manual computing
computing (NOUN): Computing is the activity of using a computer and writing programs for it.
computing (NOUN): The use or operation of computers.
1. He is studying computing at university. (他在大学学习计算机科学。)
2. Computing has revolutionized the way we work. (计算机科学已经彻底改变了我们的工作方式。)
3. She has a computing degree from a prestigious university. (她拥有一所知名大学的计算机科学学位。)
- Computing is an essential tool in scientific research. (计算机科学是科学研究中必不可少的工具。)
- She is pursuing a degree in computing. (她正在攻读计算机科学学位。)
- Cloud computing allows for flexible and scalable storage solutions. (云计算提供了灵活可扩展的存储解决方案。)
- My job involves a lot of computing work. (我的工作涉及很多计算机工作。)
- Quantum computing has the potential to solve complex problems more efficiently. (量子计算具有更高效解决复杂问题的潜力。)
- He is an expert in high-performance computing. (他是高性能计算方面的专家。)
- Mobile computing has revolutionized the way we access information. (移动计算已经彻底改变了我们获取信息的方式。)
- Her research focuses on distributed computing systems. (她的研究专注于分布式计算系统。)
- Grid computing allows multiple computers to work together as a virtual supercomputer. (网格计算允许多台计算机作为一个虚拟超级计算机协同工作。)
- Information technology and computing are closely intertwined. (信息技术和计算机科学密切相关。)
- Manual computing was the norm before the advent of computers. (在计算机出现之前,人工计算是常规做法。)
- Analog computing is based on continuous signals rather than discrete digital values. (模拟计算基于连续信号而非离散数字值。)
- He is majoring in computer science with a focus on cloud computing. (他主修计算机科学,专攻云计算。)
- She has been involved in computing since a young age. (她从小就涉足计算机行业。)
- His company specializes in providing computing solutions for businesses. (他的公司专注于为企业提供计算机解决方案。)
- The algorithm requires significant computing power to run efficiently. (该算法需要大量的计算能力才能高效运行。)
- She enjoys solving complex problems using her computing skills. (她喜欢运用自己的计算机技能解决复杂问题。)
- Cloud computing has become an integral part of many industries. (云计算已经成为许多行业中不可或缺的一部分。)
- His research focuses on the intersection of artificial intelligence and computing. (他的研究重点是人工智能和计算机科学的交叉领域。)
- She is pursuing a career in quantum computing. (她正致力于从事量子计算的职业。)