1. genius /ˈdʒiːniəs/ (adj.) 天才的,才华横溢的
1. genius /ˈdʒiːniəs/ (n.) 天才,天资聪颖的人
2. genius /ˈdʒiːniəs/ (n.) (特定领域的)奇才,能手
3. genius /ˈdʒiːniəs/ (n.) 精神,心灵,天赋
4. genius /ˈdʒiːniəs/ (n.) (特定事物的)灵感来源
词语辨析:genius, talent, gifted
1. "genius"表示超凡的智力或创造能力,通常用来形容那些在某个领域具有卓越才能的人。
2. "talent"指的是在某个领域表现出色的能力,也可以用来形容天生的技能或才华。
3. "gifted"表示与生俱来的才能,强调个人在某个领域具有非凡的天赋。
1. genius level 天才级别
2. creative genius 创造天才
3. mathematical genius 数学天才
4. artistic genius 艺术天才
5. literary genius 文学天才
1. prodigy 天才,神童
2. master 高手,大师
3. virtuoso 艺术大师,演奏家
4. expert 专家,能手
1. dullard 笨蛋,愚笨的人
2. mediocrity 平庸,平凡之辈
1. 名词:A genius is a person who is very intelligent or extremely good at doing something.
2. 形容词:Genius means extremely clever, talented, or original.
3. 例句:
- She was a genius at handling children.
- The man was a genius.
- I think he's a genius.
1. 名词:Exceptional intellectual or creative power or other natural ability.
2. 形容词:Exceptional intellectual or creative power or other natural ability.
3. 例句:
- Mozart was a child genius.
- Her genius for organization.
- He showed a genius for innovation.
1. Genius可以用作名词或形容词。
2. 名词形式的genius可指代天才、奇才、天赋等。
3. 形容词形式的genius可形容人的才华横溢或创造力异常。
4. "genius"常与介词"of"连用,表示某个领域的天才或灵感来源。
5. "genius"经常用来形容那些在艺术、音乐、科学等领域具有非凡才能的人。
1. 他被公认为音乐界的天才。
He is recognized as a genius in the music industry.
2. 她的创造才能令人惊叹。
Her creative genius is astounding.
3. 沃尔夫是一位天才的作家。
Woolf was a genius writer.
4. 这个发明的灵感来源于一位年轻的科学天才。
The inspiration for this invention came from a young scientific genius.
5. 莫扎特是一个音乐天才,六岁就开始作曲。
Mozart was a musical genius who started composing at the age of six.
6. 他在计算机编程方面有着天才般的天赋。
He has a genius for computer programming.
7. 史蒂夫·乔布斯是一位创新天才。
Steve Jobs was an innovative genius.
8. 她的美术天赋令人钦佩。
Her artistic genius is admirable.
9. 爱因斯坦被公认为是物理学的天才之一。
Einstein is recognized as one of the geniuses in physics.
10. 这个孩子是数学天才,解题速度非常快。
This child is a mathematical genius, solving problems at a rapid pace.
11. 她是一位文学天才,作品广受好评。
She is a literary genius, and her works are highly acclaimed.
12. 这个发明家有着非凡的创造才华。
The inventor has extraordinary creative genius.
13. 他是音乐界的奇才,能演奏多种乐器。
He is a musical genius, able to play multiple instruments.
14. 他是一位天生的领导者,具有卓越的领导才能。
He is a born leader, possessing exceptional leadership genius.
15. 这位艺术大师的作品在世界范围内享有盛誉。
The works of this artistic genius are renowned worldwide.
16. 这位年轻演员展现出了演艺方面的非凡天赋。
This young actor showed extraordinary talent in the performing arts.
17. 他是一位专家级别的厨师,烹饪技术非常高超。
He is an expert-level chef with exceptional culinary skills.
18. 这位年轻设计师在时尚界崭露头角。
This young designer is making a name for herself in the fashion industry.
19. 他是一位才华横溢的诗人,作品感人至深。
He is a gifted poet, and his works are deeply moving.
20. 她的数学天赋让老师和同学们都惊叹不已。
Her mathematical genius astonishes both teachers and classmates.