composite [kəmˈpɒzɪt] 1. 综合的;复合的;混合的 2. 复合材料的名词
composite [ˈkɒmpəzɪt] 1. 复合物;复合材料 2. 复合图像 3. 复合数字词语辨析
- composite (形容词):表示由不同的部分组成的整体。 - composite (名词):表示由不同元素组成的复合物或复合材料。词汇扩充
- composite material:复合材料近义词
- compound - blend - mix - combination反义词
- elementary - simple - individual柯林斯词典
形容词 composite 1. A composite object or item is made up of several different things, parts, or substances. 2. A composite photograph, drawing, or image is made up of several separate photographs, drawings, or images. 名词 composite 1. A composite object or item is made up of several different things, parts, or substances. 2. A composite photograph, drawing, or image is made up of several separate photographs, drawings, or images.牛津词典
形容词 composite 1. Made up of several parts or elements. 2. Denoting or relating to a material consisting of two or more physically distinct phases. 名词 composite 1. A thing made up of several parts or elements. 2. A photograph made by combining several separate photographs.用法
- He wore a composite mask to protect his face during the game. - The new material is a composite of plastic and glass fibers. - The painting is a composite of different art styles. - The composite photograph showcased the city's skyline at different times of the day.例句
- The company specializes in manufacturing composite materials for the aerospace industry. (这家公司专门生产航空航天行业的复合材料。)
- She created a composite image by blending multiple photographs together. (她通过将多张照片混合在一起创建了一幅合成图像。)
- The sculpture is a composite of various materials such as metal, wood, and glass. (这座雕塑由金属、木材和玻璃等多种材料组成。)
- They developed a new composite material that is stronger and lighter than traditional metals. (他们研发出一种新型复合材料,比传统金属更坚固轻盈。)
- The composite nature of the painting reflects the artist's diverse influences. (这幅画的复合性质反映了艺术家多样化的影响。)
- The composite photograph captures the beauty of the landscape from different angles. (这张合成照片从不同角度捕捉到了景色的美丽。)
- The company uses composite materials in the construction of their high-performance bicycles. (该公司在高性能自行车的制造中使用复合材料。)
- The composite image provides a comprehensive view of the galaxy. (合成图像提供了对星系的全面视角。)
- The aircraft's wings are made of a lightweight composite material. (飞机的机翼采用轻质复合材料制成。)
- The composite of flavors in the dish creates a unique taste experience. (这道菜的各种味道构成了独特的口味体验。)
- The composite structure of the building allows for greater flexibility in design. (建筑物的复合结构使得设计更加灵活。)
- The composite materials used in the car's construction make it more fuel-efficient. (汽车制造中使用的复合材料使其更加省油。)
- The artist created a composite portrait by combining features from different individuals. (艺术家通过结合不同个体的特征创作了一幅合成肖像。)
- The composite photograph is a mosaic of images taken at different times. (这张合成照片是不同时间拍摄的图像的拼贴。)
- The company offers a range of composite materials for various industrial applications. (该公司提供各种用于不同工业应用的复合材料。)
- Her performance was a composite of singing, dancing, and acting. (她的表演集歌唱、舞蹈和表演于一体。)
- The composite nature of the sculpture reflects the artist's vision of unity. (雕塑的复合性质反映了艺术家对统一性的见解。)
- The composite image is a combination of photographs taken from different angles. (合成图像是从不同角度拍摄的照片的组合。)
- The company uses composite materials to enhance the strength and durability of their products. (该公司使用复合材料来增强产品的强度和耐用性。)
- The composite photograph captures the essence of the city's vibrant culture. (这张合成照片捕捉到了城市充满活力的文化精髓。)
- They developed a composite material that is resistant to extreme temperatures. (他们研发出一种耐高温的复合材料。)