【形容词】 1. argumentative [ˌɑːrɡjəˈmentətɪv] : expressing opinions or ideas strongly and regularly, especially in public 【例】She can be very argumentative. 【近】contentious, disputatious, quarrelsome 【名词】 1. the act of argumentation [ˌɑːrɡjəmenˈteɪʃn] : the process of developing or presenting arguments 【例】Argumentation is an important skill to have in academic writing. 【近】reasoning, debate, discussion 2. a reason or set of reasons given with the aim of persuading others [ˌɑːrɡjəmenˈteɪʃn] 【例】His argumentation convinced me to change my stance on the issue. 【近】persuasion, rationale, justifications【词语辨析】
1. argumentation vs reasoning Argumentation emphasizes the process of developing or presenting arguments, while reasoning refers to the act of thinking in a logical and rational way. 2. argumentation vs debate Argumentation is the process of developing or presenting arguments, while debate refers to a formal discussion on a particular topic where opposing arguments are presented.【词汇扩充】
1. persuasive [pərˈsweɪsɪv] (adj.): able to convince someone to believe or do something 【例】The lawyer made a persuasive argument in the court. 【近】convincing, compelling, influential 2. reasoning [ˈriːzənɪŋ] (n.): the process of thinking about something in a logical and rational way 【例】The detective used deductive reasoning to solve the crime. 【近】logic, rationality, thinking【近义词】
【名词】reasoning, debate, discussion, persuasion, rationale, justifications 【形容词】contentious, disputatious, quarrelsome【反义词】
【名词】agreement, consensus 【形容词】agreeable, compromising【柯林斯词典】
argumentation (n.): the process of reasoning methodically, especially in a logical manner in order to persuade 【例】His argumentation was flawed and did not convince the audience.【牛津词典】
argumentation (n.): the action or process of reasoning systematically in support of an idea, action, or theory 【例】The debate was characterized by intense argumentation between the two candidates.用法
1. argumentation in academic writing 【例】Effective argumentation is essential in academic writing to support your claims and persuade your readers. 2. engage in argumentation 【例】The students were encouraged to engage in argumentation to develop their critical thinking skills. 3. logical argumentation 【例】The success of a persuasive essay relies on the use of logical argumentation and evidence.例句
- His argumentation was convincing and well-reasoned. (他的论证令人信服且推理充分。)
- The debate was marked by passionate argumentation from both sides. (辩论双方都进行了激烈的论证。)
- She engaged in a lively argumentation with her colleagues during the meeting. (会议期间,她与同事们进行了热烈的争论。)
- His argumentation lacked solid evidence to support his claims. (他的论证缺乏坚实的证据来支持他的观点。)
- The professor emphasized the importance of clear argumentation in academic writing. (教授强调了学术写作中清晰论证的重要性。)
- During the debate, the students presented well-structured argumentation to support their positions. (辩论中,学生们提出了结构严谨的论证来支持他们的立场。)
- Her argumentation was based on sound reasoning and extensive research. (她的论证基于充分的推理和广泛的研究。)
- The lawyer used persuasive argumentation to sway the jury in his client's favor. (律师运用了有说服力的论证来影响陪审团对他的客户有利。)
- Effective argumentation requires a thorough understanding of the subject matter. (有效的论证需要对主题有深入的理解。)
- The book provides valuable insights into the art of argumentation. (这本书为辩证的艺术提供了宝贵的见解。)
- Her argumentation skills helped her win the debate competition. (她的辩证技巧帮助她赢得了辩论比赛。)
- The politician's argumentation lacked coherence and failed to convince the audience. (这位政治家的论证缺乏连贯性,未能说服观众。)
- His argumentation was flawed and failed to address the main points of the discussion. (他的论证存在缺陷,未能涉及讨论的主要观点。)
- Clear and concise argumentation is crucial in presenting a persuasive case. (清晰简明的论证在提出有说服力的案例中至关重要。)
- The professor praised the student's argumentation for its logical structure and well-supported evidence. (教授赞扬了学生的论证,因为它具有逻辑结构和充分支持的证据。)
- Her argumentation skills allowed her to effectively counter her opponent's claims. (她的辩证技巧使她能够有效地反驳对手的观点。)
- The article presents a compelling argumentation for the need to address climate change urgently. (这篇文章提出了一个令人信服的论证,强调了迫切需要解决气候变化的问题。)
- The lawyer's argumentation was based on logical reasoning and supported by relevant case studies. (律师的论证基于逻辑推理,并得到了相关案例研究的支持。)
- The student's argumentation lacked depth and failed to provide a comprehensive analysis of the topic. (学生的论证缺乏深度,未能对该主题进行全面分析。)
- He used emotional argumentation to appeal to the audience's sympathies. (他使用情感论证来引起观众的同情。)