形容词: 1. polished and shiny 例:The burnished silver teapot gleamed on the shelf. 翻译:磨光的银茶壶在架子上闪闪发光。 名词: 1. the act or process of polishing something to a shine 例:She gave the copper pot a final burnish. 翻译:她对铜锅进行最后的擦亮。词语辨析:
1. burnish vs. polish - burnish强调通过擦亮而使表面产生光泽。 - polish强调通过擦亮或抛光来使表面变得光滑。词汇扩充:
1. burnisher (n.):a tool used for polishing or smoothing a surface 翻译:抛光工具近义词:
1. polish 2. shine 3. buff反义词:
1. dull 2. tarnish柯林斯词典:
burnish (verb) If you burnish something, you make it smooth and shiny by rubbing it. 词性:及物动词 例句: 1. The silver cutlery was burnished to a soft shine. 这套银器被擦得光亮柔和。 2. The brass plaque was burnished to a brilliant shine. 黄铜牌子被抛光得闪闪发亮。牛津词典:
burnish (verb) Polish (something, especially metal) by rubbing. 词性:及物动词 例句: 1. The car's paintwork was burnished to a high gloss. 汽车的漆面被擦得光亮如镜。 2. The statue's bronze surface had been carefully burnished. 雕像的青铜表面被精心抛光。例句
- The burnished silverware sparkled in the candlelight. (磨光的银器在烛光下闪闪发光。)
- The artist burnished the sculpture to a mirror-like finish. (艺术家将雕塑抛光得像镜子一样。)
- The burnish on the antique mirror showed its age. (古董镜子上的光泽显示出它的年代。)
- She used a burnisher to give the jewelry a glossy shine. (她用抛光工具将珠宝抛光得有光泽。)
- The burnish of the polished wood added elegance to the room. (抛光木材的光泽为房间增添了优雅。)
- He spent hours burnishing the brass handles until they gleamed. (他花了几个小时抛光黄铜把手,直到它们闪闪发亮。)
- The burnished armor reflected the sunlight with a brilliant glow. (抛光的盔甲反射出耀眼的阳光。)
- After burnishing the leather shoes, they looked brand new. (擦亮皮鞋之后,它们看起来崭新。)
- The burnisher made the metal surface smooth and shiny. (抛光工具使金属表面光滑而有光泽。)
- She applied a layer of wax to the floor and burnished it with a machine. (她在地板上涂了一层蜡,并用机器抛光。)
- The burnish on the antique vase added to its value. (古董花瓶的光泽增加了它的价值。)
- He used a burnisher to remove the scratches from the metal surface. (他用抛光工具从金属表面去除划痕。)
- The burnished gold frame enhanced the beauty of the painting. (抛光的金色画框增强了画作的美感。)
- She spent hours burnishing the silverware until it was spotless. (她花了几个小时把银器抛光得一尘不染。)
- The burnished brass doorknob shone brightly in the sunlight. (抛光的黄铜门把手在阳光下闪闪发光。)
- He used a burnisher to give the metal sculpture a smooth texture. (他用抛光工具给金属雕塑赋予光滑的质感。)
- The burnish of the polished stone countertop made the kitchen look luxurious. (抛光石质台面的光泽使厨房看起来豪华。)
- She carefully burnished the silver necklace to remove any tarnish. (她小心地抛光银项链,去除任何污渍。)
- The burnished surface of the mirror reflected her smiling face. (镜子的抛光表面反射出她微笑的脸庞。)
- He used a burnisher to smooth out the rough edges of the metal sculpture. (他用抛光工具将金属雕塑的粗糙边缘磨光。)
- The burnished brass candlesticks added elegance to the dining table. (抛光的黄铜烛台为餐桌增添了优雅。)