1. blotchy 中文翻译:有斑点的,有污点的名词
1. blotch 中文翻译:斑点,污点 例句:His face was covered in red blotches.(他的脸上布满了红斑点。) 2. blemish 中文翻译:瑕疵,污点 例句:The painting had a small blotch on the corner.(这幅画的角落有一个小污点。) 3. stain 中文翻译:污点,瑕疵 例句:The wine spilled and left a blotch on the tablecloth.(酒洒出来,在桌布上留下了一个污点。)词语辨析
- blotchy, blemished, stained:形容有斑点、瑕疵或污点的,强调外观上的不完美。词汇扩充
- blotchiness:名词,斑点状,污点状 - blotched:动词过去分词,有斑点的,有瑕疵的近义词
- spot - mark - speckle反义词
- clear - pure柯林斯词典
blotch (noun) 1. A blotch is a large, irregular area of colour or ink on a surface. 2. If you say that something such as a painting or a person's skin is a blotch, you mean that it is spoiled because it has a number of marks or patches on it. blotch (verb) If someone's face or skin blotches or is blotched, it becomes red or has red marks on it, for example because they are embarrassed or angry.牛津词典
blotch (noun) 1. An irregular patch or unsightly mark on a surface, typically the skin. 2. A dark or coloured patch on a plant or animal. blotch (verb) Cover or mark with blotches.用法
- The artist accidentally spilled paint, creating a blotch on the canvas. - Her face turned blotchy after she got sunburned. - The tomato had a red blotch on its skin.例句
- Her face was covered in blotches after the allergic reaction.(过敏后,她的脸上布满了斑点。)
- The old painting had several blotches due to water damage.(这幅老画因水患有几处斑点。)
- The blotchy rash on his arm was a symptom of the illness.(他手臂上的斑点皮疹是疾病的症状。)
- She carefully applied foundation to cover the blotches on her face.(她小心翼翼地上粉底遮盖脸上的斑点。)
- The wine stain left a dark blotch on the tablecloth.(酒渍在桌布上留下了一个深色的斑点。)
- I accidentally dropped ink on the paper, creating a blotch.(我不小心在纸上滴了墨水,留下了一个污点。)
- His face turned blotchy with embarrassment.(他因尴尬而脸红。)
- The child's blotched skin was a result of the allergic reaction.(这个孩子有斑点的皮肤是过敏反应的结果。)
- The artist carefully blended the colors to avoid creating blotches.(艺术家小心翼翼地混合颜色,以避免产生斑点。)
- She had a blotched complexion due to years of sun exposure.(多年的阳光曝晒导致她的肤色不均匀。)
- His blotchy face betrayed his nervousness.(他脸上的斑点表露了他的紧张。)
- The blotches on the plant's leaves were caused by a fungal infection.(植物叶子上的斑点是由真菌感染引起的。)
- After the hike, her legs were covered in red blotches from mosquito bites.(远足后,她的腿上被蚊子咬后布满了红斑点。)
- The painting had a large blotch of blue paint in the center.(这幅画的中央有一大块蓝色的斑点。)
- His blotched skin made him self-conscious about his appearance.(他有斑点的皮肤让他对自己的外貌感到不自在。)
- The blotch on the fabric was difficult to remove.(织物上的污渍很难清除。)
- The artist intentionally added a blotch of red to create contrast in the painting.(艺术家故意添加了一块红色的斑点以在画作中产生对比。)
- The child's face was covered in blotches from an allergic reaction to strawberries.(这个孩子因对草莓过敏而脸上布满了斑点。)
- The blotches on the dog's fur were a result of a skin condition.(狗毛上的斑点是皮肤问题的结果。)
- She used a concealer to hide the blotches on her cheeks.(她用遮瑕膏隐藏她脸颊上的斑点。)
- The blotches on the painting were carefully restored by a professional art restorer.(专业的艺术修复师精心修复了画作上的斑点。)