advertisements 的形容词形式为 advertising。
1. 广告 (noun)
1. The company placed advertisements in newspapers and magazines to promote their new product. (该公司在报纸和杂志上刊登广告来推广他们的新产品。)
2. She saw an advertisement for a job opening at a local store. (她看到了一份当地商店招聘的广告。)
2. 广告业 (noun)
1. He works in the advertising industry and creates commercials for television. (他在广告业工作,为电视制作广告片。)
2. The advertising industry has experienced significant growth in recent years. (近年来,广告业发展迅速。)
advertisements 与 advertising 的区别在于前者是名词形式,指具体的广告内容,而后者是动词形式,指广告的制作和发布过程。
advertisements (noun)
1. An advertisement is an announcement in a newspaper, on television, or on a poster about something such as a product, event, or job. (广告是指在报纸、电视或海报上的公告,它宣传的是产品、事件或工作等内容。)
2. Advertising is the activity of creating advertisements and making sure people see and hear about them. (广告是指创作广告并确保人们看到和听到它们的活动。)
advertisements (noun)
1. A notice, picture, or film telling people about a product, job, or service. (一则公告、图片或影片,用于告知人们有关产品、职位或服务的信息。)
- They placed an advertisement in the local newspaper to attract new customers. (他们在当地报纸上刊登广告以吸引新客户。)
- The television program was interrupted by frequent advertisements. (电视节目被频繁的广告打断。)
- She found a job through an advertisement posted online. (她通过网上发布的广告找到了一份工作。)
- The company's new advertising campaign increased sales by 20%. (公司的新广告活动使销售额增加了20%。)
- The advertisement for the new smartphone caught my attention. (新智能手机的广告引起了我的注意。)
- He works as a copywriter for an advertising agency. (他在一家广告公司担任文案撰写工作。)
- The advertisements on the billboards were eye-catching. (广告牌上的广告非常吸引人。)
- They used social media platforms to promote their advertising campaign. (他们利用社交媒体平台推广他们的广告活动。)
- She saw an advertisement for a concert in the local newspaper. (她在当地报纸上看到了一则音乐会的广告。)
- The company hired a marketing team to create effective advertisements. (公司聘请了一个营销团队来制作有效的广告。)
- The advertisement promised huge discounts on selected items. (广告承诺在精选商品上提供巨额折扣。)
- The company's advertising budget has increased this year. (公司今年的广告预算增加了。)
- He responded to an advertisement for a job as a graphic designer. (他回应了一则平面设计师职位的广告。)
- The advertisements on the radio encouraged listeners to buy the new product. (广播上的广告鼓励听众购买新产品。)
- She saw an advertisement for a vacation package on a travel website. (她在一家旅游网站上看到了一个度假套餐的广告。)
- The company's advertising campaign reached a wide audience. (公司的广告活动触达了广泛的受众。)
- The advertisement featured a famous celebrity endorsing the product. (广告中有一位著名名人代言该产品。)
- He works in the advertising industry and creates commercials for television. (他在广告业工作,为电视制作广告片。)
- The company placed advertisements in newspapers and magazines to promote their new product. (该公司在报纸和杂志上刊登广告来推广他们的新产品。)
- She saw an advertisement for a job opening at a local store. (她看到了一份当地商店招聘的广告。)