形容词: 1. 顾问的;咨询的 - The company hired a team of consultants to evaluate their business strategy. (公司雇了一队顾问来评估他们的业务策略。) 名词: 1. 顾问;咨询师 - The consultants provided valuable advice on how to improve the company's efficiency. (这些顾问就如何提高公司效率提供了有价值的建议。) 2. 会诊医师 - The patient's case was discussed by a group of consultants from different medical specialties. (患者的病情被来自不同医学专科的一组会诊医师讨论。)词语辨析
- consultants vs advisers: - Both terms refer to individuals or teams that provide professional advice and guidance. However, consultants often focus on specific projects or areas of expertise, while advisers may have a broader scope of assistance.词汇扩充
- consulting: 咨询的 - consultancy: 咨询公司/咨询业务 - consultation: 咨询近义词
- experts - specialists - advisors - counselors反义词
- clients - customers - patients柯林斯词典
consultant in British English 1. (名词) 顾问;咨询师 2. (名词) 会诊医师 3. (名词) (某些机构中)高级顾问 4. (名词) (某些机构中)担任高级顾问的人 5. (名词) (婉辞)(旧时大学中)非正式教员;客座教授 6. (名词) (医院中)兼职医生 7. (名词) (企业中)外聘顾问牛津词典
consultant 1. (名词) 顾问;咨询师 2. (名词) 会诊医师用法
- The company hired a team of consultants to improve their marketing strategy. (公司雇了一队顾问来改善他们的市场营销策略。) - The patient's case was discussed by a group of consultants from various medical fields. (医生们从不同的医学领域讨论了患者的病例。) - She works as a consultant for a renowned law firm. (她在一家知名律师事务所担任顾问。)例句
- The company hired a team of consultants to evaluate their business strategy. (公司雇了一队顾问来评估他们的业务策略。)
- The consultants provided valuable advice on how to improve the company's efficiency. (这些顾问就如何提高公司效率提供了有价值的建议。)
- The patient's case was discussed by a group of consultants from different medical specialties. (患者的病情被来自不同医学专科的一组会诊医师讨论。)
- The consultants presented a detailed report outlining the potential risks and benefits of the project. (顾问们提交了一份详细的报告,概述了该项目的潜在风险和收益。)
- She works as a consultant for a renowned law firm, providing legal advice to clients. (她在一家知名律师事务所担任顾问,为客户提供法律咨询。)
- The hospital appointed a consultant to oversee the implementation of new healthcare policies. (医院任命了一位顾问来监督新的医疗政策的实施。)
- The consultants conducted a thorough analysis of the company's financial statements. (顾问们对公司的财务报表进行了彻底的分析。)
- As a consultant, she specializes in organizational development and change management. (作为一名顾问,她专门从事组织发展和变革管理。)
- The consultants recommended restructuring the company to improve its profitability. (顾问建议重组公司以提高其盈利能力。)
- During the meeting, the consultants discussed the potential impact of new regulations on the industry. (会议期间,顾问们讨论了新规定对行业可能产生的影响。)
- The consultants advised the government on strategies to attract foreign investment. (顾问们向政府提供了吸引外国投资的策略建议。)
- He sought the help of a consultant to improve his personal finance management. (他寻求了一位顾问的帮助来改善个人财务管理。)
- The consultants conducted market research to identify potential target audiences. (顾问们进行市场调研,以确定潜在的目标受众。)
- She was hired as a consultant to provide expertise in international trade negotiations. (她被聘为顾问,以在国际贸易谈判中提供专业知识。)
- The consultants recommended implementing cost-cutting measures to improve the company's financial performance. (顾问建议实施降低成本的措施,以改善公司的财务表现。)
- The consultants helped the organization develop a strategic plan for expansion into new markets. (顾问帮助组织制定了进入新市场扩张的战略计划。)
- He was appointed as a consultant to advise the government on environmental sustainability. (他被任命为顾问,为政府提供环境可持续性方面的建议。)
- The consultants conducted interviews with key stakeholders to gather feedback and insights. (顾问们与关键利益相关者进行了访谈,以收集反馈和见解。)
- The company sought the expertise of consultants to streamline its production processes. (公司寻求顾问的专业知识来优化其生产过程。)
- The consultants conducted a training session to enhance the employees' leadership skills. (顾问们进行了一次培训课程,以提高员工的领导能力。)