1. 毛绒的,羊毛制成的(made of wool)
2. 模糊的,不清晰的(lacking definition or clarity)
3. 柔软的,蓬松的(soft and thick)
4. 糊涂的,困惑的(confused or muddled)
1. 毛绒制品,尤指毛绒玩具(a woolen fabric or garment, especially a stuffed toy)
2. 羊毛制品(a woolen fabric or yarn)
1. woolly vs. furry
2. woolly vs. hazy
1. woolly-minded: 愚蠢的,思维不清晰的
2. woolly hat: 毛线帽
3. woolly mammoth: 旧石器时代的毛象
fuzzy, fluffy, soft, unclear
clear, definite, concise, sharp
woolly (adjective)
- If you describe someone's thinking or ideas as woolly, you are critical of them because they lack clearness or precision.
- Woolly animals have thick, soft hair. (BRIT)
woolly (noun)
- A woolly is a jumper or hat that is made of wool or similar material.
woolly (adjective)
- Made of or resembling wool.
- Having a frizzy or fluffy texture or appearance.
- Unclear in the mind; confused.
woolly (noun)
- A garment or fabric made from wool.
1. This woolly jumper is so warm.(这件毛衣很暖和。)
2. The speaker's woolly thinking left the audience confused.(演讲者模糊的思维让观众困惑。)
3. The child snuggled up with his favorite woolly toy.(孩子抱着他最喜欢的毛绒玩具蜷缩起来。)
- This sweater is so woolly that it keeps me warm in winter.(这件毛衣非常毛绒,冬天穿很保暖。)
- The artist's painting style is deliberately woolly to evoke emotion.(艺术家的绘画风格故意模糊以唤起情感。)
- The sheep had a thick, woolly coat that protected it from the cold.(这只羊有一层厚厚的、毛茸茸的外套,保护它免受寒冷的侵袭。)
- I find his explanation woolly and hard to follow.(我觉得他的解释含糊不清,很难理解。)
- She wore a woolly hat to keep her head warm.(她戴着一顶毛线帽保暖。)
- The woolly mammoth was an extinct species of elephant.(毛象是一种已灭绝的象科动物。)
- The politician's speech was full of woolly promises with no concrete plans.(政治家的讲话充满了模糊的承诺,没有具体的计划。)
- He gave a woolly answer that didn't address the question directly.(他给了一个含糊其辞的回答,没有直接回答问题。)
- The child hugged his woolly toy tightly as he fell asleep.(孩子在入睡时紧紧抱着他的毛绒玩具。)
- The woolly texture of the fabric made it incredibly soft to the touch.(这种织物的毛茸茸质地使它触感极为柔软。)
- The woolly caterpillar turned into a beautiful butterfly.(毛毛虫变成了一只美丽的蝴蝶。)
- She had a woolly memory of the event and couldn't recall the details.(她对这个事件记忆模糊,无法回忆起细节。)
- The woolly hat kept her ears warm in the cold wind.(毛线帽在寒风中保持她的耳朵温暖。)
- The author's argument was woolly and lacked evidence to support it.(作者的论点含混不清,缺乏支持的证据。)
- She knitted a woolly scarf for her brother's birthday.(她为她兄弟的生日织了一条毛绒围巾。)
- The woolly clouds obscured the view of the mountains.(蓬松的云朵遮挡了对山脉的视线。)
- His woolly thinking led to mistakes in his work.(他思维散漫导致工作中出现错误。)
- The child's woolly toy had become worn and frayed from years of playing.(这个孩子的毛绒玩具因多年的玩耍而变得破旧和磨损。)
- The woolly texture of the fabric made it ideal for winter clothing.(这种织物的毛茸茸质地使其非常适合冬季服装。)
- She brushed her woolly dog to keep its coat neat and tidy.(她梳理她的毛茸茸的狗,使它的毛发整洁。)
- The politician's speech was filled with woolly promises that lacked substance.(政治家的演讲充满了空洞的承诺。)