## 1. 基本信息 - 中文翻译:窥视,偷窥 - 发音:[ˈpiːpɪŋ] - 词性:动词(verb) ## 2. 形容词含义 - 窥视的,偷窥的 - 暗中观察的 ## 3. 名词含义 - 窥视,偷窥 - 窥视者,偷窥者 ## 4. 词语辨析 - peeping与peeking的区别: - peeping强调的是通过偷窥获取他人隐私的行为,含有负面意义。 - peeking则更侧重于偷偷或轻轻地窥视,没有强调偷窥的负面含义。 ## 5. 词汇扩充 - peeping Tom: 偷窥者;窥淫狂 ## 6. 近义词 - spying: 窥视,监视 - prying: 窥探,打听 ## 7. 反义词 - revealing: 揭示的,透露的 - disclosing: 公开的,揭露的 ## 8. 柯林斯词典解释 **peeping (adj.)** If you describe someone's behavior as peeping, you disapprove of them because they are trying to see things that are meant to be private or secret. **peeping (n.)** Peeping is the activity of spying on people, especially people who are getting undressed or having sex. ## 9. 牛津词典解释 **peeping (adj.)** (Of a person) secretly looking at something, especially through a small opening or from a concealed location. ## 10. 用法 - He was caught peeping through the keyhole. (他被发现从钥匙孔窥视。) - The neighbors accused him of peeping into their windows. (邻居们指责他偷窥他们的窗户。) - She felt uncomfortable knowing that someone might be peeping at her. (她感到不安,因为知道可能有人在偷窥她。) - The children were caught peeping into their presents before Christmas. (孩子们在圣诞节前被发现在偷窥他们的礼物。) ## 11. 相关例句 1. The man was arrested for peeping into women's changing rooms at the gym. (那个男人因偷窥健身房的女更衣室而被逮捕。) 2. She caught her little brother peeping at her diary. (她抓住她的小弟弟偷窥她的日记。) 3. The hotel had to deal with a peeping Tom who was spying on the guests. (酒店不得不处理一个偷窥者,他在窥视客人。) 4. The authorities installed surveillance cameras to prevent peeping incidents. (当局安装了监控摄像头以防止偷窥事件发生。) 5. The court issued a restraining order against the peeping neighbor. (法院对偷窥的邻居发布了限制令。) 6. The woman felt violated and unsafe after discovering a peeping hole in her bathroom. (那个女人在发现她浴室的一个窥视孔后感到受到侵犯和不安全。) 7. The children were warned not to be peeping Toms when their friends were changing clothes. (孩子们被警告在朋友换衣服时不要偷看。) 8. Peeping is a violation of privacy and is considered a criminal offense. (偷窥是对隐私的侵犯,被视为犯罪行为。) 9. The peeping incident was reported to the police, who launched an investigation. (偷窥事件被报告给警方,警方启动了调查。) 10. The hotel staff took immediate action when they discovered a peeping device in one of the rooms. (当酒店员工发现一个偷窥装置时,他们立即采取行动。) 11. The peeping neighbor was confronted by the angry residents of the apartment building. (愤怒的公寓居民面对偷窥的邻居。) 12. The actress filed a lawsuit against the peeping photographers who invaded her privacy. (这位女演员对侵犯她隐私的偷窥摄影师提起了诉讼。) 13. The peeping incident caused a lot of anxiety and fear among the community. (偷窥事件在社区中引起了很多焦虑和恐惧。) 14. The peeping incident led to a public outcry for stricter privacy laws. (偷窥事件引发了公众对更严格的隐私法律的强烈抗议。) 15. The peeping Tom was caught by the police and faced charges of invasion of privacy. (偷窥者被警方抓获,面临侵犯隐私的指控。) 16. The hotel manager assured the guests that measures had been taken to prevent peeping. (酒店经理向客人保证已采取措施防止偷窥。) 17. The peeping incident was captured on the security camera and used as evidence in court. (偷窥事件被安全摄像头拍下,作为法庭证据。) 18. The peeping neighbor was confronted and warned by the victim's family. (受害者的家人面对偷窥的邻居并进行了警告。) 19. The peeping incident was widely reported in the media, causing public outrage. (媒体广泛报道了偷窥事件,引起了公众的愤慨。) 20. The school implemented strict policies to prevent peeping incidents on campus. (学校实施了严格的政策,以防止校园内的偷窥事件发生。)