toilette [noun]
- (女性的)梳洗;盥洗
- (特别是在晚会、宴会上的)打扮,装束
- (尤指旧时的)化妆室,梳妆室
- (尤指旧时的)便所,厕所
toilette [adjective]
- 梳洗的;盥洗的
toilet (noun):厕所,卫生间
dressing: 打扮,装饰
grooming: 梳洗,整理
attire: 服装,装束
dressing, grooming, toilet, lavatory
undress, neglect
- A toilet is the same as a bathroom.
- If you refer to someone's toilet, you are referring to the fact that they are going to the toilet or have just come back from it.
- Toilet is used to describe things that are used for going to the toilet, such as toilet paper or toilet cleaner.
- A dressing table.
- A woman's outfit of clothes.
- A woman's dressing room, especially as fitted with grooming and toilet facilities.
- A woman's dressing room, bedroom, or boudoir.
- A cloth or fabric for making clothes.
- Of or for use in a toilet.
1. She spent hours doing her toilette before the party. (noun)
2. The bride's toilette was exquisite. (noun)
3. The actress made her toilette in front of the mirror. (noun)
4. She is still in her toilette. (noun)
5. She applied her makeup and completed her toilette. (noun)
6. She looked elegant in her toilette gown. (noun)
7. He toiletted himself quickly before leaving the house. (verb)
8. The hotel room had a private toilette. (noun)
9. The guests were directed to the toilette facilities. (noun)
10. The bathroom was equipped with all necessary toilette items. (noun)
- She was busy with her toilette before the party. 她在派对前忙于打扮。
- He admired her elegant toilette. 他欣赏她优雅的装束。
- She applied her makeup and completed her toilette. 她化妆完毕,打扮好了。
- He quickly toiletted himself before leaving the house. 他匆匆盥洗了一下就离开了家。
- The hotel room had a private toilette. 这个酒店房间有一个独立的厕所。
- The guests were directed to the toilette facilities. 客人们被引导去使用卫生间。
- The bathroom was equipped with all necessary toilette items. 浴室里配备了所有必需的洗漱用品。
- She stood in front of the mirror, doing her toilette. 她站在镜子前梳妆打扮。
- He excused himself and went to the toilette. 他借口去上厕所了。
- She looked stunning in her evening toilette. 她穿着晚宴装束,看起来很出色。
- He admired her exquisite toilette gown. 他欣赏她精致的礼服。
- She spent hours perfecting her toilette. 她花了几个小时打扮得完美。
- She is still working on her toilette. 她还没有梳洗好。
- He made sure everything was in place for his toilette. 他确保他的梳洗用品都摆放好了。
- She prepared her toilette for the photo shoot. 她为拍摄准备了打扮。
- He hurriedly completed his toilette before the meeting. 他匆忙完成了梳洗,准备开会。
- The toilette room was beautifully furnished. 梳妆室装饰得很漂亮。
- She entered the toilette to freshen up. 她走进梳妆室去整理一下。
- He went to the toilette to wash his hands. 他去洗手间洗了手。
- She quickly touched up her makeup in the toilette. 她在化妆室迅速补了一下妆。
- He excused himself and went to the toilette to check his appearance. 他借口去梳妆室检查一下自己的形象。