chesty: 胸部的;胸怀的
chest: 胸腔;胸部;胸膛;箱子
chest of drawers: 抽屉柜
chestnut: 栗子;栗树
treasure chest: 宝藏箱
chest 和 chest of drawers 都有“箱子”的意思,但 chest of drawers 指的是带有抽屉的箱子,通常用于存放衣物。
chestnut tree: 栗树
sea chest: 海上行李箱
toy chest: 玩具箱
hope chest: 婚嫁箱
chest (noun)
1. Your chest is the front part of your body between your neck and your stomach. (人体)胸部
Example: He put his hand on his chest and bowed his head.
2. A chest is a large strong box with a lid, used for storing things. 箱子
Example: She packed her clothes into a chest and locked it.
chesty (adjective)
If someone has a chesty cough or voice, they have a cough or voice that sounds deep and comes from their chest. 胸部的
Example: A chesty cough makes it hard to sleep at night.
chest (noun)
1. The front surface of a person's or animal's body between the neck and the stomach. 胸部
Example: He crossed his arms over his chest.
2. A large strong box, typically made of wood and used for storage or transport. 箱子
Example: She kept her valuables locked in a chest.
chesty (adjective)
(Of a person) having a large or well-developed chest. 有发达胸部的
Example: He was a tall, chesty man.
I have pain in my chest when I breathe deeply. (当我深呼吸时,胸部疼痛。)
She bought a new chest of drawers for her bedroom. (她给卧室买了一个新的抽屉柜。)
The child collected chestnuts in the park. (孩子在公园里采集栗子。)
They discovered a hidden treasure chest in the old house. (他们在老房子里发现了一个隐藏的宝箱。)
He put his hand on his chest and bowed his head. (他把手放在胸前,低下了头。)
She packed her clothes into a chest and locked it. (她把衣服装进一个箱子里并锁上。)
A chesty cough makes it hard to sleep at night. (胸部的咳嗽使人晚上难以入睡。)
He crossed his arms over his chest. (他把手臂交叉放在胸前。)
She kept her valuables locked in a chest. (她把贵重物品锁在一个箱子里。)
I have pain in my chest when I breathe deeply. (当我深呼吸时,胸部疼痛。)
She bought a new chest of drawers for her bedroom. (她给卧室买了一个新的抽屉柜。)
The child collected chestnuts in the park. (孩子在公园里采集栗子。)
They discovered a hidden treasure chest in the old house. (他们在老房子里发现了一个隐藏的宝箱。)
I need to organize my clothes in the chest of drawers. (我需要整理一下抽屉柜里的衣服。)
He has a big chest and strong arms from weightlifting. (他因举重而有一副大胸膛和强壮的臂膀。)
She has a chesty voice that carries well in the theater. (她的嗓音宏亮,适合在剧院表演。)
He stored his childhood memories in a treasure chest. (他把童年的回忆存放在一个宝藏箱里。)
The pirate buried his treasure chest on a deserted island. (海盗把他的宝藏埋在了一个荒岛上。)
The doctor listened to her chest with a stethoscope. (医生用听诊器听了听她的胸部。)
She gave him a chest full of love letters from her admirers. (她给了他一只装满了崇拜者情书的箱子。)
He opened the chest and revealed its hidden contents. (他打开箱子,揭示了里面隐藏的东西。)
The chestnut tree provided shade in the hot summer. (栗树在炎热的夏天提供了阴凉。)
She wears a necklace with a pendant shaped like a chestnut. (她戴着一个像栗子形状的吊坠项链。)
He stored his winter clothes in the chest of drawers. (他把冬装放在抽屉柜里。)
The explorer found a treasure chest filled with gold and jewels. (探险家发现了一个装满黄金和宝石的宝箱。)
She put her collection of seashells in the treasure chest. (她把她的贝壳收藏放在宝箱里。)
The chesty man lifted the heavy box effortlessly. (有发达胸部的男子轻松地举起了沉重的箱子。)
His chesty voice boomed through the concert hall. (他的沉稳嗓音在音乐厅中回荡。)
She kept her important documents in a locked chest. (她把重要文件放在一个上锁的箱子里。)
The knight wore a suit of armor that covered his entire chest. (骑士穿着一套覆盖整个胸部的盔甲。)
He had a tattoo of a dragon on his chest. (他胸部上有一只龙的纹身。)
She placed the gifts in a beautifully decorated chest. (她把礼物放在一个装饰精美的箱子里。)