1. 窝巢的;筑巢的(relating to or characteristic of a nest)2. 内含的;隐藏的(contained or enclosed within)
1. 巢,窝(a structure or place made or chosen by a bird for laying eggs and sheltering its young)2. 一群人(a place or structure that provides shelter or a residence for a group of people)
3. 窝点,基地(a place where someone hides, retreats, or stays)
4. 窝藏处;藏身之处(a place where something is stored or hidden)
5. 巢状物;堆(a structure or group of things that are piled or nested within one another)
"nests"与"nests of"的区别在于前者通常指单个巢穴或筑巢行为,而后者通常指多个巢穴或密集的筑巢行为。词汇扩充:
1. den(窝,巢)2. roost(栖木,栖息处)
3. lair(兽穴,藏身处)
4. retreat(避难所,退隐处)
5. hideout(藏身处,躲藏处)
1. scatter(散布,分散)2. disperse(分散,驱散)
3. spread(传播,散布)
柯林斯词典(Collins Dictionary):
- A bird's nest is the home that it makes to lay its eggs in and to live in.
- If you say that someone has made a nest for themselves, you mean that they have settled in a place where they feel comfortable and secure and intend to stay for a long time.
- If you say that a place is a nest of a particular type of person or activity, you mean that a lot of people of that type are there.
- If you say that a group of objects are nested, you mean that they are fitted together neatly or are one inside another.
- If a bird nests somewhere, it builds a nest there and lives there.
牛津词典(Oxford Dictionary):
- A structure or place made or chosen by a bird for laying eggs and sheltering its young.
- A place where an animal or insect breeds or shelters.
- A snug or secluded retreat or shelter.
- A set of similar objects of graduated sizes, made so that each smaller one fits into the next in size for storage.
- Fit (an object or objects) inside a larger one.
1. The birds build their nests in the trees.(这些鸟在树上筑巢。)2. She has made a comfortable nest for herself in the small town.(她在这个小镇上为自己找到了一个舒适的居所。)
3. The city is known as a nest of spies.(这个城市被称为间谍的巢穴。)
4. The dolls were nested inside each other.(这些娃娃是互相套在一起的。)
1. The bird built a cozy nest in the tree.(那只鸟在树上筑了一个舒适的巢。)2. The squirrel's nest was hidden in the hollow of the tree.(松鼠的巢穴隐藏在树洞里。)
3. The abandoned nest was blown away by the wind.(被遗弃的鸟巢被风吹走了。)
4. The homeless man found a nest in the abandoned building.(无家可归的人在废弃的建筑物里找到了一个藏身之处。)
5. The company created a nest of innovation and creativity.(这家公司打造了一个创新和创造力的基地。)
6. The Russian spy was discovered in a nest of undercover agents.(这名俄罗斯间谍被发现在一群卧底特工中。)
7. She nested the fragile china cups safely in a box.(她将易碎的瓷杯安全地套在一个盒子里。)
8. The Russian dolls were nested inside each other.(俄罗斯套娃是互相套在一起的。)
9. The jewelry was nested in a hidden compartment.(珠宝被藏在一个隐蔽的隔层里。)
10. The birds return to nest in the same tree every year.(这些鸟每年都回到同一棵树上筑巢。)
11. The mother bird nested on the ground, camouflaging her eggs.(母鸟在地上筑巢,使她的蛋难以被察觉。)
12. The boxes were neatly nested on top of each other.(这些盒子整齐地套在一起。)
13. The dolls are designed to nest inside each other for easy storage.(这些娃娃的设计使它们可以互相套在一起,方便存放。)
14. The family of mice nested in the attic of the old house.(这家老鼠筑巢在这座老房子的阁楼上。)
15. The eggs were carefully nested in the warm sand.(这些蛋被小心地放在温暖的沙子中。)
16. The company's headquarters became a nest of activity during the busy season.(公司总部在繁忙的季节变成了一片热火朝天的地方。)
17. The hacker's computer system was nested deep within a network of servers.(黑客的计算机系统深藏在一组服务器网络中。)
18. The Russian spies nested in different cities around the world.(俄罗斯间谍在世界各地的不同城市里隐藏。)
19. The boxes were nested together to save space during shipping.(这些盒子被套在一起以节省运输空间。)
20. The bird carefully nested twigs and leaves to build her nest.(鸟儿小心地用树枝和叶子筑巢。)