- tinkling: 发出叮当声的
- melodious: 悦耳的
- harmonious: 和谐的
- 钟声: the sound of a bell or bells
- 风铃: a set of small hanging objects that make a musical sound when blown by the wind
- 钟琴: a musical instrument consisting of a set of tuned metal bars that are struck with a hammer
- chimes vs. bells: Chimes are a set of tuned metal bars, while bells are hollow objects with a clapper inside.
- chimes vs. wind chimes: Chimes refer to the sound of bells or a musical instrument, while wind chimes are specifically hanging objects that make a sound when the wind blows.
- chime in: 插话
- chime with: 与...一致
- chime up: 发出响亮的声音
- bell: 钟声
- carillon: 钟琴
- gong: 锣
- peal: 鸣响
- toll: 鸣钟
- silence: 寂静
- stillness: 静止
chime (noun)
- If something chimes or if you chime it, it makes a ringing noise.
- The chimes of a clock are the ringing sounds that it makes at regular intervals.
- The chimes of a bell are the ringing sounds that it makes.
chime (verb)
- If two or more things chime, they are similar or consistent and therefore go well together.
- If someone chimes in, they join in a conversation or discussion.
chimes (noun)
- A melodious ringing sound produced by striking a set of bells or a metal object.
- A set of tuned bells or other objects, each producing one note of the diatonic scale.
chimes (verb)
- (of a bell or clock) make melodious ringing sounds.
- (chime in) Say or shout something in agreement or to interrupt.
- The beautiful chimes of the cathedral bells filled the air.
- The gentle breeze made the wind chimes on the porch sway and create a soothing sound.
- The musician played the chimes with a mallet, producing a series of harmonious notes.
- The tinkling chimes added a magical touch to the Christmas decorations.
- The chimes of Big Ben can be heard throughout London.
- The chimes of the grandfather clock filled the room with a pleasant melody.(祖父钟的钟声在房间里响起,奏出悦耳的旋律。)
- I could hear the chimes of the church bells as I walked through the village.(我走过村庄时,能听到教堂钟声的响起。)
- Her laughter chimed with the sound of the flowing river nearby.(她的笑声与附近流水的声音和谐相契。)
- The chimes on the front porch were tinkling in the wind.(前廊上的风铃在风中叮当作响。)
- She decided to chime in with her opinion during the meeting.(她决定在会议期间插话发表自己的意见。)
- The students chimed in with their teacher's explanation.(学生们纷纷加入到老师的解释中。)
- The colors of the painting chime with the decor in the room.(画作的色彩与房间的装饰相得益彰。)
- Her statement chimed with the beliefs of many people.(她的声明与许多人的信仰相吻合。)
- The children were amazed as the clock chimed twelve times at midnight.(午夜时分,孩子们惊讶地看着时钟敲响了十二下。)
- The doorbell chimed just as we were sitting down to dinner.(我们正坐下吃饭时,门铃响了起来。)
- He couldn't help but chime in with his own suggestion.(他禁不住插话提出了自己的建议。)
- She always chimes in during class discussions with interesting insights.(她总是在课堂讨论中发表有趣的见解。)
- The melody of the song chimed perfectly with the lyrics.(这首歌的旋律与歌词完美地融合在一起。)
- The sound of the waves chimed with the seagulls' cries.(波浪声与海鸥的叫声交相呼应。)
- I heard the chimes of the ice cream truck and ran outside to catch it.(我听到了冰淇淋车的铃声,就冲出去追赶它。)
- The clock chimes every hour to mark the passing of time.(时钟每小时报时一次,标志着时间的流逝。)
- She couldn't help but chime in with a witty remark.(她忍不住说了一句机智的话。)
- The colors of the sunset chime with the vibrant flowers in the garden.(夕阳的颜色与花园里的鲜花相得益彰。)
- Their opinions on the matter chimed with each other, leading to a productive discussion.(他们对这个问题的看法相吻合,促成了一场富有成果的讨论。)
- The tinkling chimes on the porch created a peaceful atmosphere.(前廊上叮当作响的风铃营造出一种宁静的氛围。)
- The chimes of the church echoed through the valley, signaling the start of the wedding.(教堂的钟声在山谷中回荡,宣告婚礼的开始。)