1. bluster [形容词] 咆哮的,喧闹的。
- The bluster wind blew the leaves off the trees. (狂风吹落了树上的叶子。)
- The bluster crowd made it difficult to hear the speaker. (喧闹的人群使得听到讲话者的声音变得困难。)
1. bluster [名词] 咆哮,喧闹。
- The bluster of the storm kept us awake all night. (暴风雨的咆哮声让我们整夜无法入眠。)
- His bluster hides his lack of confidence. (他的喧闹掩盖了他的缺乏自信。)
bluster, roar, bellow
bluster 指的是声音大而咆哮,通常形容强烈的风或激动的人。
roar 指的是动物的咆哮声、车辆或机械的轰鸣声,也可指人的大声叫喊。
bellow 指的是动物特指牛的吼叫声。
blusterous [形容词] 咆哮的,喧闹的。
blusterer [名词] 咆哮者,喧闹者。
blusteringly [副词] 咆哮地,喧闹地。
roar, shout, clamor, racket
whisper, murmur
bluster [名词] 咆哮,喧闹;[动词] 咆哮,大声威吓。
- He blustered at me for being late. (他因为我迟到而对我大吼大叫。)
- The bluster outside made it difficult to concentrate. (外面的喧闹声让人难以集中注意力。)
bluster [名词] 咆哮,喧闹;[动词] 咆哮,吓唬。
- The wind blustered through the trees. (风呼啸着吹过树林。)
- He blustered his way into the meeting. (他高声威吓地闯进了会议。)
1. bluster 作为动词时,常用于描述人以暴力或威吓的方式表现出愤怒、傲慢或自以为是。
2. bluster 作为名词时,指的是咆哮声或喧闹声,也可以形容人的吵闹或威吓。
- The wind blustered through the old house, causing the shutters to rattle. (风刮得老房子里嗖嗖作响,使百叶窗发出嘎嘎声。)
- He blustered at his employees, trying to show his authority. (他对员工大声威吓,试图显示他的权威。)
- The bluster of the waves crashing on the shore was deafening. (海浪拍打在岸边的声音震耳欲聋。)
- She blustered her way into the meeting, demanding to be heard. (她高声威吓地闯进了会议,要求被听取。)
- His bluster hides his lack of confidence. (他的喧闹掩盖了他的缺乏自信。)
- The blusterous crowd outside the stadium cheered their team to victory. (体育场外的喧闹人群为他们的队伍欢呼助威。)
- Don't pay attention to his bluster; he's all talk and no action. (别理会他的咆哮声,他只会说大话而已。)
- The blusterous wind blew away the umbrella. (狂风把伞吹走了。)
- She blustered about the unfair treatment she had received. (她抱怨她受到的不公平待遇。)
- The bluster of the storm kept us awake all night. (暴风雨的咆哮声让我们整夜无法入眠。)
- The children blustered and shouted in the playground. (孩子们在操场上喧哗大笑。)
- The blusterous debate between the two politicians became heated. (两位政治家之间的激烈辩论变得愈演愈烈。)
- His blusterous behavior at the party offended many guests. (他在派对上的喧闹行为冒犯了许多客人。)
- The blusterer claimed to be the best in the business, but couldn't back it up with evidence. (那个喧闹者声称自己是业界最好的,但无法用证据证明。)
- Despite his blusteringly confident appearance, he was actually quite nervous. (尽管他外表看起来自信十足,但实际上他很紧张。)
- The blusterous noise from the construction site made it difficult to concentrate. (建筑工地发出的喧闹声让人难以集中注意力。)
- She blustered at the waiter when her order was incorrect. (她在服务员送错了餐点后对其大吼大叫。)
- The bluster of the crowd drowned out the speaker's voice. (人群的喧闹声淹没了讲话者的声音。)
- He blustered about his achievements, but nobody believed him. (他吹嘘自己的成就,但没有人相信他。)
- Despite his bluster, he was unable to win the argument. (尽管他咆哮不休,但他无法赢得这场争论。)
- The blusterous wind blew the hat off his head. (狂风一吹,帽子从他头上飞走了。)