1. 激起兴趣的;引起好奇心的
英文解释:aroused or stimulated, especially by a provocation, challenge, or rebuff
- Her curiosity was piqued by the mysterious package.(她对这个神秘的包裹产生了好奇心。)
- The intriguing plot of the book piqued my interest.(这本书引起了我的兴趣,故事情节很有趣。)
2. 愤怒的;生气的
英文解释:angered or annoyed
- I was piqued by his rude comment.(他粗鲁的评论让我感到愤怒。)
- She felt piqued at being ignored.(被无视使她感到生气。)
1. 愤怒;生气
英文解释:a feeling of irritation or resentment
- She left the room in a fit of pique.(她愤怒地离开了房间。)
- His pique was evident in his tone.(从他的语气中可以看出他的愤怒。)
2. 刺激;挑战
英文解释:a stimulus or challenge
- The difficult puzzle provided a pique to his intelligence.(这个难题对他的智力是个挑战。)
- He took the criticism as a pique to improve his work.(他以这个批评作为提高工作的动力。)
1. Pique emphasizes the feeling of resentment or irritation.
2. Resentment suggests a deep and long-lasting bitterness or indignation.
3. Anger refers to a strong feeling of displeasure and rage.
4. Irritation implies a mild annoyance or impatience.
1. piqued interest(激起兴趣)
2. piqued curiosity(引起好奇心)
3. piqued ego(受损的自尊)
4. piqued pride(受伤的自豪感)
1. rouse
2. provoke
3. irritate
4. annoy
1. please
2. satisfy
3. delight
Piqued (adjective)
1. If you say that someone is piqued, you mean that they are annoyed or offended.
2. If you say that someone's interest or curiosity is piqued, you mean that they are interested or curious.
Pique (noun)
1. Pique is a feeling of annoyance or anger, usually caused by someone disrespecting you or treating you carelessly.
2. Pique is the feeling of annoyance or anger that you have when you think that someone has not treated you properly.
Piqued (adjective)
1. Offended or resentful.
2. Stimulated to action or increased activity.
Pique (noun)
1. A feeling of irritation or resentment resulting from a slight, especially to one's pride.
2. A feeling of irritated or resentful pique.
1. My curiosity was piqued by the unusual sound coming from the other room.
2. She felt piqued when her colleague received an award for her work.
3. The criticism was a pique to his ambition, and he worked even harder to prove himself.
- His sarcastic remark piqued her interest in the subject.(他讽刺的话激发了她对这个课题的兴趣。)
- The rejection letter piqued his pride.(拒绝信伤害了他的自尊。)
- She couldn't help but feel a little pique at being ignored.(她禁不住对被忽视感到有些愤怒。)
- His constant interruptions piqued her annoyance.(他不断的打断引起了她的烦恼。)
- The challenging puzzle piqued his intellect.(这个具有挑战性的难题激发了他的智力。)
- The team's victory piqued the interest of the local press.(该队的胜利引起了当地媒体的关注。)
- She left in a fit of pique after the argument.(争吵后她愤怒地离开了。)
- His pique was evident in his tone of voice.(从他的语气中可以明显感觉到他的愤怒。)
- I could sense a hint of pique in her response.(从她的回答中我能感觉到一丝愤怒。)
- She tried to hide her pique behind a smile.(她试图在微笑背后隐藏她的愤怒。)