1. sloppy(形容词):懒散的,邋遢的,马虎的2. slushy(形容词):湿泥般的,泥泞的
3. diluted(形容词):稀释的,稀薄的
1. slop(名词):污物,泔水2. spillage(名词):溢出物,洒出的液体
3. mess(名词):混乱,脏乱
Slop 和 spillage 都指液体的溅出或溢出,但 slop 更常指容器中的泔水或污物的溅出,而 spillage 则更一般地指液体的溢出。Sloppy 和 messy 都可以形容某物或某人不整洁或不规范,但 sloppy 侧重于马虎或懒散,而 messy 强调混乱或脏乱。
1. sloppily (副词):邋遢地,马虎地2. sloppiness(名词):懒散,邋遢
3. sloppish(形容词):懒散的,邋遢的
4. sloppily(副词):邋遢地,马虎地
1. mess(名词):混乱,脏乱2. dirt(名词):污垢,尘土
3. grime(名词):污垢,污渍
4. filth(名词):污秽,肮脏
1. tidy(形容词):整洁的,整齐的2. neat(形容词):整洁的,干净的
柯林斯词典(Collins Dictionary)
1. slop【名词】 1. (尤指在厨房里)泔水,剩菜;(尤指在船上)污水,污物 2. 不合身的衣服;宽大的衣服 【动词】 1. 溅出;溢出 2. 灌输,倒(液体) 3. (通常指因驾驶员操纵不当而)使(汽车)侧滑 4. (对待某人)不尊敬地谈论,侮辱 【形容词】 1. 邋遢的,不整洁的 2. 缺少训练的;马虎的 2. sloppy
【形容词】 1. 邋遢的,不整洁的 2. (食物或饮料)稀薄的,稀汤似的 3. (文字、思想等)松散的,随意的 4. (人)敷衍了事的,马虎的 5. (作风等)不严格的,不规范的
牛津词典(Oxford Dictionary)
1. slop【名词】 1. (尤指厨房里的)泔水,剩饭;(尤指船上的)污水,污物 【动词】 1. (使)溅出,(使)洒出 2. (尤指因驾驶员操纵不当而)(使)侧滑 3. 灌输,倒(液体) 4. (对某人)不尊敬地说,侮辱 【形容词】 1. 邋遢的,不整洁的 2. (尤指食物或饮料)稀薄的,稀汤似的 【副词】 1. 痛快地,大口地 2. sloppy
【形容词】 1. 邋遢的,不整洁的 2. (尤指食物或饮料)稀薄的,稀汤似的 3. (文字、思想等)松散的,敷衍的 4. (人)马虎的,敷衍了事的 5. (作风等)不严格的,不规范的 6. (人、行为等)泥泞的,溅满泥的
- The floor was sloppy after the rainstorm.(下过雨后地板很湿泥)
- He always wears sloppy clothes.(他总是穿邋遢的衣服)
- The soup was too sloppy.(这汤太稀了)
- Her writing style is sloppy.(她的写作风格很松散)
- I can't stand his sloppiness.(我受不了他的懒散)
- Don't spill the slop on the floor.(不要把泔水洒在地板上)
- He cleaned up the spillage from the broken cup.(他清理了从打破的杯子上洒出的液体)
- The kitchen was a mess after the party.(派对后厨房一片狼藉)
- He accidentally slopped some soup onto his shirt.(他不小心把一些汤溅到了衬衫上)
- Be careful not to make a spillage when pouring the juice.(倒果汁时小心不要洒出来)
- The kitchen was a slop of dirty dishes and leftover food.(厨房里堆满了脏盘子和剩菜)
- She always leaves a mess in her room.(她的房间总是一片凌乱)
- The room was filled with dirt and dust.(房间里布满了灰尘和尘土)
- Her clothes were covered in grime.(她的衣服上沾满了污垢)
- The walls were covered in filth that hadn't been cleaned for years.(墙上沾满了多年没有清洁的污秽)
- She always keeps her workspace tidy.(她总是保持工作区整洁)
- He prefers his books to be neat and organized.(他喜欢书籍整齐有序)
柯林斯词典(Collins Dictionary)
- She spilled some slop on her new dress.(她把泔水洒在了她的新裙子上)
- He always wears sloppy clothes.(他总是穿邋遢的衣服)
- The soup was too sloppy.(这汤太稀了)
牛津词典(Oxford Dictionary)
- Don't spill the slop on the floor.(不要把泔水洒在地板上)
- Be careful not to slop any tea out of the cup.(小心不要把茶溅出杯子)
- The soup was too sloppy.(这汤太稀了)