crowing [形容词] 意气风发的;得意洋洋的。
crowing [名词] 啼鸣声;得意洋洋。
crowing 是形容词和名词的现在分词形式,表示得意洋洋的或啼鸣声。
1. crow [动词] 啼叫;欢呼。 2. cock-a-doodle-doo [名词] 啼声;咕咕声。 3. boastful [形容词] 自夸的;夸口的。
triumphant, exultant, jubilant, elated
dejected, downcast, disheartened, crestfallen
crowing (ˈkrəʊɪŋ) (crowing的现在分词) 1. 啼鸣声;得意洋洋 2. 得意洋洋的;喜形于色的
crowing (adj.) 1. (of a person) feeling great pride or triumph. 2. (of a cock) uttering its characteristic loud cry.
crowing (n.) 1. the characteristic cry of a cock. 2. great pride or triumph.
1. He was crowing about his victory. 2. The crowing of the rooster woke me up early in the morning. 3. With crowing confidence, she presented her project to the audience. 4. The team celebrated their success with crowing laughter and high-fives.
- He couldn't help crowing when he won the award. 他赢得奖项时忍不住得意洋洋。
- She woke up to the sound of crowing roosters. 她被公鸡的啼声吵醒。
- His crowing attitude annoyed his colleagues. 他那种得意洋洋的态度惹恼了他的同事。
- The crowing of the victorious team echoed through the stadium. 胜利的队伍欢呼声在体育场回荡。
- Despite the setback, he continued crowing about his achievements. 尽管遭遇挫折,他仍然大肆吹嘘自己的成就。
- The crowing of the rooster signaled the break of dawn. 公鸡的啼声预示着黎明的到来。
- She couldn't resist crowing over her exam results. 她忍不住为自己的考试成绩而洋洋自得。
- His crowing triumph was short-lived as he soon faced new challenges. 他得意的胜利很快就被新的挑战所取代。
- Amidst the crowing applause, the actor took a bow. 在喝彩声中,演员鞠躬致谢。
- The crowing of the rooster woke the sleepy village. 公鸡的啼声唤醒了沉睡的村庄。
- She couldn't help crowing with delight when she won the competition. 当她赢得比赛时,她忍不住欢呼雀跃。
- His crowing arrogance made him unpopular among his colleagues. 他那种自鸣得意的傲慢使他在同事中不受欢迎。
- The crowing of the rooster announced the arrival of morning. 公鸡的啼声宣告着早晨的到来。
- She couldn't hide her crowing happiness when she received the good news. 当她收到这个好消息时,她无法掩饰自己的喜悦。
- His crowing success was the result of hard work and dedication. 他的得意成功是努力和奉献的结果。
- The crowing rooster woke up the entire neighborhood. 公鸡的啼声把整个附近都吵醒了。
- She kept crowing about her promotion, making her colleagues envious. 她一直洋洋得意地吹嘘自己的晋升,让同事们很羡慕。
- His crowing pride prevented him from admitting his mistakes. 他那种骄傲使他不肯承认自己的错误。
- The crowing of the victorious team filled the stadium with joy. 胜利的队伍欢呼声充满了体育场的喜悦。
- She listened to the crowing of the roosters as she watched the sunrise. 她边听着公鸡的啼声,边观看着日出。
- His crowing satisfaction was evident as he showed off his new car. 他炫耀自己的新车时,他得意洋洋的满足感显而易见。