1. 动词 pour
英 [pɔː(r)] 美 [pɔːr]
1. 向...倒入、灌入;倒出
2. (尤指用容器)给(某人)倒饮料
3. 倾泻;涌出
4. (大量或迅速地)倒出
5. 使倾泻;使涌出
6. (尤指为了表白或宣泄)倒(心事),倾诉
7. 蜂拥而来,涌入(尤指地区)
8. 涌现;一拥而至
9. (在浴室或盥洗室里)把(某物)倒入(盆、浴缸等)
10. (使)倒灌,(使)倒泻
11. (为了检查、测量等)倒出(液体)
12. 用散装食品装罐
13. (在某物上)加盖;(在某物上)加以(或浇以)
14. 倒(酒)
15. (液体)涌流
2. 名词 pour
英 [pɔː(r)] 美 [pɔːr]
1. 一次倒出的量;注入的量
2. 倾泻;涌出
3. (大量或迅速地)倒出
4. (饮料的)一杯
5. 倾诉;倒苦水
6. 倾注;注入
7. 涌流;涌现
8. (尤指河流等的)一股流
9. (流体的)涌流
3. 形容词 pouring
英 [ˈpɔːrɪŋ] 美 [ˈpɔːrɪŋ]
1. 倾泻的;倾倒的;涌出的
2. 下大雨的;倾盆而下的
1. pour 和flow的区别
He poured the milk into the cup. (他把牛奶倒进杯子里。)
The river flows into the sea. (河流流入大海。)
1. pour in:涌入
2. pour out:倒出
3. pour down:倾盆而下
4. pour with rain:大雨倾盆
5. pour oneself a drink:给自己倒一杯饮料
1. flow:流动
2. stream:流
3. gush:涌出
4. cascade:瀑布
1. collect:收集
2. retain:保留
3. keep:保持
4. withhold:保留
1. If you pour a liquid or other substance, you make it flow steadily out of a container by holding the container at an angle.
2. If you pour a liquid or other substance somewhere, you make it flow there steadily and quickly, usually from above.
3. If people pour somewhere, they move there quickly and in large numbers.
4. If you pour a liquid into a container or pour it there, you make it flow there steadily and quickly from another container by holding the first container at an angle.
1. A pour of liquid is an amount of it that is poured into a glass or container.
2. If there is a pour of rain, it rains heavily.
1. Flow rapidly in a steady stream.
2. (of rain) fall heavily.
3. (of a crowd of people) flow or stream.
4. Cause (a liquid) to flow from a container in a steady stream by holding the container at an angle.
5. (of a container) have (liquid) flowing from it in a steady stream.
6. (of a light or smoke) radiate or stream forth.
1. A heavy fall of rain.
2. An instance of pouring a drink.
1. pour something into something:向某物中倒入某物
2. pour something on/over/onto something:把某物倒在/浇在/倾泻在某物上
3. pour with rain:下着大雨
4. pour out your heart:倾诉内心的感受
- She poured some milk into a glass. (她倒了一些牛奶进玻璃杯。)
- The rain poured down. (雨倾盆而下。)
- The crowd poured into the stadium. (人群涌入体育场。)
- He poured the water out of the bottle. (他把水从瓶子里倒出来。)
- The light poured through the window. (光线从窗户涌进来。)
- The rain was pouring. (雨下得很大。)
- She poured out her troubles to me. (她向我倾诉她的烦恼。)
- The river poured into the sea. (河流注入大海。)
- He poured himself a glass of wine. (他给自己倒了一杯酒。)
- His words poured forth in a torrent. (他的言辞如潮水般涌出。)
- When I opened the bottle, the champagne poured everywhere. (当我打开瓶子时,香槟涌得到处都是。)
- Water poured out of the pipe. (水从管子里涌出来。)
- He told me all about it in one long, pouring sentence. (他用一长串话向我讲述了这件事。)
- The sun came out after a pouring rain. (下了一场倾盆大雨后,太阳出来了。)
- The auditorium was pouring with people. (礼堂里挤满了人。)
- The tears poured down her cheeks. (眼泪顺着她的脸颊流下来。)
- She poured a little perfume on her wrist. (她在手腕上倒了一点香水。)
- He poured the wine into a glass. (他把酒倒进玻璃杯里。)
- The oil poured from the bottle. (油从瓶子里倒出来。)
- He poured a cup of tea for himself. (他给自己倒了一杯茶。)
- She poured oil on the fire. (她在火上浇了油。)