1. 形容词和名词的不同含义
1. 链式的,用链条相连的。
2. 连锁的,连锁经营的。
1. 链条,链子。
2. (连锁)商店。
3. 束缚,枷锁。
4. 一系列相互关联的事物。
2. 词语辨析
chain vs. rope:
3. 词汇扩充
1. chain link: 链节
2. chain reaction: 连锁反应
3. chain store: 连锁店
4. chainmail: 锁子甲
5. chain smoker: 老烟枪
4. 近义词
1. link
2. series
3. string
4. connection
5. 反义词
1. unchain
2. detach
3. separate
6. 柯林斯词典
1. A chain is a row of metal rings which are joined together and used for fastening things together or securing them.
2. A chain is a group of shops, hotels, or restaurants, owned by the same company.
1. If you chain an object to something, you fasten it using a chain.
2. If someone is chained somewhere, their hands or feet are fastened to something so that they cannot move or escape.
3. If a road, gate, or entrance is chained, it is blocked by a chain or chains.
7. 牛津词典
1. A series of metal rings or links fitted into one another to make a flexible ligament.
2. A connected series of things.
3. A set of connected or related things.
1. Fasten or secure with a chain.
2. Control or restrict (someone) by or as if by a chain.
3. Block or secure with a chain or chains.
8. 用法
1. He locked up his bike with a chain.
2. The prisoners were chained together.
3. They chained the gate shut.
- He used a chain to secure his bicycle to the post.(他用一条链子将自行车锁在了柱子上。)
- The store is part of a chain that has branches in several cities.(这家商店是一家在几个城市都有分店的连锁店的一部分。)
- The dog was chained to a tree in the yard.(那只狗被拴在院子里的一棵树上。)
- The writer experienced a chain of rejections before finally getting published.(这位作家在最终出版之前经历了一连串的拒绝。)
- They locked the door with a heavy chain.(他们用一根沉重的链条锁住了门。)
- The chain of events that led to the accident is still under investigation.(导致这次事故的一系列事件仍在调查中。)
- She works for a chain of hotels.(她在一家连锁酒店工作。)
- The prisoners were chained together as they were led to the transport.(囚犯们被锁链在一起,被带到了运输车辆。)
- The main entrance was chained and locked.(主入口被用链子锁住了。)
- They chain the bikes to the rack.(他们将自行车锁在了架子上。)
- He works at a fast-food chain.(他在一家快餐连锁店工作。)
- Chain your dog up outside the shop.(把你的狗拴在店外。)
- I don't like being in a chain of command.(我不喜欢处于一个等级链中。)
- The gate was chained shut.(大门被用链子锁住了。)
- She wore a chain around her neck.(她戴着一条项链。)
- They have a chain of hotels all over the world.(他们在世界各地都有一连串的酒店。)
- He broke free from the chains of tradition.(他摆脱了传统的束缚。)
- She pulled out a chain of handkerchiefs from her pocket.(她从口袋里掏出一串手帕。)
- He wore a chain of office around his neck.(他戴着一条项链形式的官链。)
- Their relationship is like a chain reaction.(他们的关系就像是连锁反应。)
- The police are investigating a chain of burglaries in the area.(警方正在调查该地区一连串的入室盗窃案。)