surge的形容词形式为surging。1. 涌动的
surging表示涌动的或汹涌的。2. 激增的
surge的名词形式为surge。1. 涌动
surge表示涌动或汹涌。2. 激增
surge表示激增或迅速上升。3. 冲击
surge 在柯林斯词典中的解释如下:
1. If there is a surge of something, there is a sudden, large increase in it.
2. If a crowd of people surge forward, they suddenly move forward together in a disorganized way.
3. If a physical force surges in a particular direction, it moves or seems to move there suddenly and powerfully.
surge 在牛津词典中的解释如下:
1. A sudden powerful forward or upward movement, especially by a crowd or by a natural force such as the tide.
2. A sudden large increase in something.
3. (of a crowd or a natural force) move suddenly and powerfully forward or upward.
- There has been a surge in COVID-19 cases in the city. (城市中的COVID-19病例激增)
- A surge of adrenaline rushed through her veins. (一股肾上腺素涌入她的血管中)
- The wave surged towards the shore. (波浪向岸边涌去)
- There was a surge of support for the political candidate. (对该政治候选人的支持激增)
- The power surge damaged the electrical equipment. (电压突升损坏了电气设备)
- As the storm approached, the wind began to surge. (风开始变得汹涌,当风暴接近时)
- The surge in online shopping has increased package delivery demands. (在线购物的激增增加了包裹送货的需求)
- After the announcement, sales of the product surged. (公告后,该产品的销售激增)
- There was a surge of anger among the protesters. (抗议者中爆发出一阵愤怒)
- The surge in traffic caused delays on the highway. (交通量的激增导致高速公路上发生了延误)
- She felt a surge of relief when she heard the good news. (当她听到好消息时,她感到一阵宽慰)
- The surge of water from the broken pipe flooded the basement. (断裂的水管喷出的水涌入了地下室)
- During the concert, the crowd surged towards the stage. (音乐会上,人群向舞台涌去)
- After the earthquake, a surge of volunteers came forward to help. (地震后,涌现出一大批志愿者来帮助)
- There was a surge of panic when the fire alarm went off. (当火灾警报器响起时,人们陷入了恐慌)
- The company experienced a surge in profits this quarter. (该公司本季度利润激增)
- The surgeon saw a surge of patients after the outbreak. (爆发后,外科医生看到了一大批患者)
- The surging river washed away the bridge. (奔腾的河水冲走了桥梁)
- With a surge of energy, he completed the race. (他充满活力地完成了比赛)
- The surge of emotions overwhelmed her. (情绪的涌动使她不知所措)
- As the music reached its climax, a surge of applause erupted from the audience. (随着音乐达到高潮,观众中爆发出一阵掌声)