- 1. 评级的,等级的
- 1. 评级,等级
- 2. 评价,评估
- 3. 信誉等级,信用评级
- 4. 评分,等级
- credit rating:信用评级
- star rating:星级评定
- customer rating:顾客评分
- job rating:工作评估
- evaluation
- assessment
- ranking
- grading
- downgrade
- demotion
柯林斯词典(Collins Dictionary):
rating (ratings)
- 名词
- 1. the classification of a film, video game, etc. as suitable for a particular age group according to a particular system
- 2. a mark or score indicating achievement or quality, as in an examination or competition
- 3. a list of banks, firms, etc. showing their creditworthiness or the amount of risk attached to their particular services or products
- 4. the amount of electrical power delivered by an amplifier or similar device relative to the power supplied to it, often measured in decibels
- 5. a classification of certain postal items, based on size, shape, weight, etc., that determines the rate of postage required
- 动词
- 1. to show approval or pleasure towards (a broadcast programme) by pressing a button on a television remote control
牛津词典(Oxford Dictionary):
rating (ratings)
- 名词
- 1. a classification or ranking of someone or something based on a comparative assessment of their quality, standard, or performance
- 2. a measurement of the popularity of a television or radio programme, expressed as the percentage of the audience watching or listening to it
- 3. a mark or score indicating achievement or quality, typically one awarded for a performance
- 1. The movie received a high rating from the critics.
- 2. The school has a five-star rating.
- 3. The credit rating agency downgraded several banks.
- 4. The rating of this product is excellent.
- 5. She gave the restaurant a good rating for its service.
- 6. The hotel has a rating of 4.5 out of 5 stars.
- 7. The rating system helps consumers make informed decisions.
- 8. The rating scale ranges from poor to excellent.
- 9. The company's credit rating has improved.
- 10. The rating agency evaluates the financial stability of companies.
- 11. The job applicants were ranked based on their qualifications.
- 12. The magazine provides ratings for various electronic devices.
- 13. The rating reflects the overall performance of the product.
- 14. The rating criteria include customer satisfaction and product quality.
- 15. The rating board determines the appropriate age group for movies.
- 16. The rating system helps parents choose suitable video games for their children.
- 17. The company's credit rating affects its borrowing costs.
- 18. The credit rating of the country was downgraded.
- 19. The bank's rating is based on its financial stability.
- 20. The rating of the TV show dropped due to low viewership.