中英词典 - glass
- glass - 玻璃制的
- glassy - 玻璃一样的,光滑的
- glass - 玻璃
- glass - 玻璃杯
- glass - 窗玻璃
- glass - 眼镜
- glass - 镜子
- glass - 望远镜
- glass - 玻璃制品
- glass - 玻璃容器
- glass - 玻璃材料
- glass - 玻璃表面
- glass - 玻璃覆盖物
- glass - 玻璃状态
1. glass vs crystal
Both are transparent substances, but glass is made by cooling molten material rapidly, while crystal is formed by the slow cooling of a liquid with a regular arrangement of atoms or molecules.
1. glassblower - 玻璃吹制工
2. glassware - 玻璃器皿
3. glassy-eyed - 神情呆滞的
1. crystal - 水晶
2. vitreous - 玻璃状的
3. transparent - 透明的
4. pane - 窗格玻璃
1. opaque - 不透明的
2. solid - 固体的
3. brick - 砖
glass (noun)
- A glass is a container made out of glass.
- Glasses are small objects made of glass, which you wear in front of your eyes to help you see better.
- You use glass to refer to objects and substances that are made of glass, or to the amount of glass that an object has.
glass (verb)
- If you glass someone, you hit them on the head with a glass or bottle, usually causing them serious injury.
glass (noun)
- A hard, brittle substance, typically transparent or translucent, made by fusing sand with soda, lime, and sometimes other ingredients and cooling rapidly.
- Drinking glasses or vessels.
- A lens, or an optical instrument containing a lens or lenses, in particular a monocle or a magnifying lens.
glass (verb)
- Strike (someone) with a glass container, causing them to bleed.
1. I accidentally broke a glass vase.
2. She put on her reading glasses.
3. The building has large glass windows.
1. The glass shattered into tiny pieces when it hit the ground. (玻璃)
2. He raised his glass and proposed a toast. (玻璃杯)
3. The cat jumped onto the glass table and knocked over a vase. (玻璃)
4. She cleaned her glasses with a soft cloth. (眼镜)
5. The mirror on the wall was made of glass. (镜子)
6. He used a glass to look at the stars. (望远镜)
7. The glass figurine on the shelf was very delicate. (玻璃制品)
8. She poured the juice into a glass. (玻璃容器)
9. The windows were made of glass. (玻璃材料)
10. The glass surface was smooth and shiny. (玻璃表面)
11. The car had a glass roof. (玻璃覆盖物)
12. The bottle fell and broke, scattering glass everywhere. (玻璃状态)
13. The glass shattered when it was hit by a rock. (玻璃)
14. The server accidentally dropped a glass on the floor. (玻璃杯)
15. He wears glasses to correct his vision. (眼镜)
16. She saw her reflection in the glass of the window. (镜子)
17. He observed the stars through a powerful glass. (望远镜)
18. The shop sells a variety of glass products. (玻璃制品)
19. She drank water from a glass. (玻璃容器)
20. The artist used colored glass in her sculpture. (玻璃材料)