1. 大多数的,占大多数的 2. 成年的,已成年的名词
1. 大多数,多数 2. 成年人,成年人口 3. (选举中的)多数票词语辨析
majority 和 most 都表示“大多数”,但在特定语境中有所不同。例如,在选举中,大多数选民的意见会决定胜者,这时可以使用 majority 表示“多数票”。而 most 则更常用于表示数量上的多数,不一定与投票直接相关。词汇扩充
其他与 majority 相关的词汇包括:main body(主体)、bulk(大部分)、mass(大量)、plurality(多数票)、predominance(优势)、preponderance(压倒性多数)。近义词
大部分情况下,可以将 majority 与以下词语视为近义词:most、greater part、larger number、preponderance、plurality。反义词
与 majority 相反的词语包括:minority、small number、few、minor part。柯林斯词典
名词 1. 大多数;多数 大多数人相信他是对的。 Most people believe he is right. 2. 大部分;主体 这个工作的大部分需要进行实地考察。 The majority of this job requires fieldwork. 3. (选举中的)多数票 他以绝对多数票当选。 He was elected by an overwhelming majority.牛津词典
名词 1. 大多数;多数 大多数人对这个问题持相同观点。 The majority of people hold the same opinion on this issue. 2. 成年人口;成年人 这个政策只适用于18岁及以上的成年人口。 This policy applies only to the majority of the population aged 18 and over. 3. (选举中的)多数票 他以压倒性多数票当选。 He was elected by a decisive majority.用法
1. majority of + 名词复数 The majority of voters supported the new law. 大多数选民支持这项新法律。 2. majority of + 人名 The majority of students in our class are from China. 我们班上大多数学生来自中国。 3. majority vote The decision was made by a majority vote. 这个决定是通过多数票做出的。 4. majority rule The country operates based on the principle of majority rule. 这个国家以多数决定为原则运作。例句
- The majority of people are in favor of the new policy.(大多数人支持新政策。)
- The company caters to the needs of the majority.(该公司满足大多数人的需求。)
- The majority of the students passed the exam.(大部分学生通过了考试。)
- The bill was passed by a majority vote.(该法案通过了多数票投票。)
- The majority of the population is under the age of 30.(大多数人口年龄在30岁以下。)
- He won the election with an overwhelming majority.(他以压倒性多数票赢得了选举。)
- The majority of the team members agreed with the proposed plan.(团队大部分成员同意了提议的计划。)
- They won the game by a majority of three points.(他们以三分的优势赢得了比赛。)
- The majority of the audience applauded after the performance.(演出结束后,大多数观众鼓掌了。)
- She is already in the majority and can make her own decisions.(她已经成年了,可以自己做决定。)
- The majority of the committee members voted in favor of the proposal.(委员会的大部分成员投票支持该提案。)
- He represents the majority opinion on this issue.(他代表了这个问题上的多数观点。)
- The majority of the participants agreed to extend the deadline.(大多数参与者同意延长截止日期。)
- They won the case by a majority decision of the jury.(他们以陪审团的多数决定赢得了这个案件。)
- The majority of the students chose to study abroad for their higher education.(大多数学生选择出国深造。)
- In most countries, the age of majority is 18.(在大多数国家,成年年龄是18岁。)
- The majority of the employees supported the strike.(大部分员工支持罢工。)
- They reached a decision by a simple majority.(他们通过简单多数做出了决定。)
- The majority of the population lives in urban areas.(大多数人口居住在城市地区。)
- After the vote, the proposal was approved by a majority of 20 votes.(投票后,该提案以20票的多数获得批准。)