1. If you invest in something, or if you invest a sum of money, you use your money or effort in order to gain a particular result, for example to make a profit.
2. If you invest in something that you think will be profitable, you buy shares, property, or goods, hoping that the value will increase and you can make a profit.
3. If you invest in something such as time, money, or energy, you use it or spend it on something that you think will be useful or helpful.
1. Put (money) into financial schemes, shares, property, or a commercial venture with the expectation of achieving a profit.
2. Devote (one's time, effort, or energy) to a particular undertaking with the expectation of a worthwhile result.
3. Surround (a place) in order to besiege or blockade it.
- She decided to invest her money in a small business. 她决定将钱投资于一家小公司。
- They invested heavily in the new project. 他们在这个新项目上投入了大量资金。
- He invested all his savings in the stock market. 他把所有的积蓄投资于股市。
- They invested a lot of time and effort in the project. 他们在这个项目上投入了大量的时间和精力。
- We need to invest in our future by improving education. 我们需要通过改善教育来投资我们的未来。
- The company invested in new technology. 公司投资了新技术。
- He invested his inheritance in property. 他把继承的财产投资于房地产。
- They decided to invest in the local community. 他们决定投资于当地社区。
- She invested her savings in a start-up company. 她把积蓄投资于一家初创公司。
- The city was invested by enemy forces. 敌军包围了这座城市。
- They invested the castle and forced the king to surrender. 他们围攻了城堡并迫使国王投降。
- They decided to invest the area and cut off all supplies. 他们决定对该地区实施封锁并切断所有供应。
- He invested the town and captured the enemy general. 他包围了这个城镇并俘获了敌方将军。
- The government is planning to invest heavily in healthcare. 政府计划大力投资医疗保健。
- We should invest wisely to secure our future. 我们应该明智地投资以保障我们的未来。
- They invested their time and energy in helping the community. 他们投入了时间和精力来帮助社区。
- She invested her money in stocks and bonds. 她把钱投资于股票和债券。
- He invested his savings in a new business. 他把积蓄投资于一家新公司。
- The company invested in research and development. 公司投资于研发。
- They invested their resources in improving customer service. 他们投入资源来改善客户服务。
- She decided to invest in her education to further her career. 她决定投资于自己的教育以促进事业发展。