conceptual [kənˈsɛptʃuəl]:概念上的,概念性的名词
1. 概念;观念;理念 2. 构想;设想 3. 受孕;怀孕 4. 想法;主意词语辨析
conception强调思维活动中的概念或观念。 concept指一个具体事物的概念。 idea指头脑中的某种思想或概念。 notion强调较不确定的、模糊的或初步的概念。词汇扩充
misconception [ˌmɪskənˈsɛpʃən]:误解;错觉 preconception [ˌpriːkənˈsɛpʃən]:先入之见;成见 conceive [kənˈsiːv]:构思;设想 conceptualize [kənˈsɛptʃuəˌlaɪz]:形成概念;概念化近义词
idea [aɪˈdiə]:思想;想法 notion [ˈnoʊʃən]:概念;观念;想法 thought [θɔːt]:思想;想法;思维反义词
reality [riˈælɪti]:现实;实际柯林斯词典
conception [kənˈsɛpʃən] (noun): 1. the ability to form or understand an idea; 2. a general idea or understanding; 3. the way in which something is perceived or regarded; 4. the forming of a viable zygote by the union of the sperm and egg; 5. the origination of a viable idea, theory, project, etc.牛津词典
conception [kənˈsɛpʃ(ə)n] (noun): 1. the action of conceiving a child or of one being conceived; 2. the forming or devising of a plan or idea; 3. an abstract idea; a concept; 4. the way in which something is perceived or regarded.用法
1. 概念的用法: - He has a clear conception of his role in the project. (他对自己在项目中的角色有清晰的概念。) - The artist's conception of beauty is unique. (这位艺术家对美的概念是独特的。) 2. 怀孕的用法: - She is in the early stages of conception. (她处于怀孕的早期阶段。) - The doctor explained the process of conception to the couple. (医生向这对夫妇解释了受孕的过程。) 3. 构想的用法: - The architect presented his conception for the new building. (建筑师展示了他对新建筑的构想。) - The writer's conception of the character was well-received by readers. (作家对角色的构想受到了读者的好评。)相关例句
- I have a different conception of success than he does. (我对成功有不同的看法。)
- Her conception of justice is based on fairness and equality. (她对正义的理解基于公平和平等。)
- The conception of a new product requires creativity and market research. (开发一款新产品需要创造力和市场调研。)
- They had been trying to conceive for years before finally achieving pregnancy. (他们尝试怀孕多年后终于成功了。)
- My conception of a perfect vacation involves relaxing on a beach with a good book. (我对完美假期的构想是在海滩上放松地读一本好书。)
- The conception of this theory revolutionized the field of physics. (这个理论的构想使物理学领域发生了革命性的变化。)
- She had a misconception about his intentions and misjudged him. (她对他的意图产生了误解,并且误判了他。)
- His preconception about the company made him hesitant to accept the job offer. (他对这家公司的先入之见使他犹豫是否接受工作机会。)
- The artist successfully conceptualized his vision into a stunning sculpture. (艺术家成功地将他的愿景概念化为一件令人惊叹的雕塑。)
- She struggled to conceive a solution to the complex problem. (她努力设想出一个复杂问题的解决方案。)
- His concept of time is shaped by his cultural background. (他对时间的概念受到他的文化背景的影响。)
- Their notion of success differs greatly from mine. (他们对成功的观念与我的差别很大。)
- I never thought he would come up with such a brilliant idea. (我从未想过他会想出如此出色的主意。)
- My initial thought was to decline the offer, but I changed my mind later. (我最初的想法是拒绝这个提议,但后来我改变了主意。)
- The scientist's innovative thinking led to a groundbreaking discovery. (这位科学家的创新思维导致了一项具有突破性意义的发现。)
- They have a shared conception of what constitutes a healthy lifestyle. (他们有一种共同的观念,认为什么构成了健康的生活方式。)
- Her pregnancy was confirmed two weeks after conception. (怀孕两周后,她的怀孕得到了确认。)
- They are eagerly awaiting the conception of their first child. (他们急切地等待着他们第一个孩子的受孕。)
- His brilliant conception of the marketing strategy impressed the board members. (他对营销策略的精彩构想给董事会成员留下了深刻印象。)
- The new product design was a collaborative conception between engineers and designers. (新产品设计是工程师和设计师的合作构想。)
- The conception of democracy as a system of governance dates back to ancient Greece. (将民主看作一种治理体系的构想可以追溯到古希腊。)