1. 有灵感的;受到启发的
2. 有创意的;富有创造力的
3. 激动人心的;令人振奋的
4. 被神灵附身的
1. 灵感;启示
2. 神灵所赐的创作灵感
3. 被神灵附身的人
1. inspire与motivate区别:inspire侧重于通过鼓舞、激励或启发来激发他人的积极行动或创造力,而motivate更侧重于通过奖励或惩罚来激发他人的行动。
2. inspire与encourage区别:inspire强调通过激发他人的创造力、激情或活力来鼓舞他人,encourage则更侧重于通过鼓励、支持或赞美来增强他人的信心或勇气。
1. inspiration:启示;灵感
2. inspirational:激励的;鼓舞人心的
3. inspiring:激励人心的;鼓舞人的
motivated, creative, enthusiastic, dynamic, uplifting
uninspired, dull, demotivated, uninspiring
- Someone or something that is inspired is so good, interesting, etc. that they make you or other people want to do something or create something.
- Someone who is inspired has been encouraged or influenced a lot by a famous person or great work of art, music, literature, etc.
- A piece of writing, music, art, etc. that is inspired is very good because the person who created it has been encouraged or influenced a lot by someone or something.
- If you describe someone or something as inspired, you approve of them because they are very original and exciting.
- Inspiration is the feeling of enthusiasm you have when you are doing something that you enjoy doing or that you think is good.
- Inspiration is a good idea about what you should do, write, say, etc.
- Inspiration is a sudden good idea.
1. Of extraordinary quality, as if arising from some external creative impulse.
2. Of a person, especially an artist, exceptionally creative or inventive.
3. Of something, such as a work of art or literature, created as a result of divine inspiration.
4. Having a particular influence on someone's thinking or artistic or creative work.
5. Filled with such a creative impulse or influence; inspired in this way.
1. He was inspired by the beautiful landscape to write a poem.
2. The team's performance was absolutely inspired.
3. The movie was an inspired piece of storytelling.
4. Her paintings are truly inspired.
5. The novel is an inspiring tale of overcoming adversity.
6. The speech had an inspiring effect on the audience.
7. The coach's words inspired the team to victory.
8. She is known for her inspired leadership in times of crisis.
9. The artist claims to be inspired by nature.
10. The musician's performance was filled with inspiration.
1. The beautiful sunset inspired him to write a romantic poem. (美丽的日落激发了他写一首浪漫的诗。)
2. The team's inspired performance led them to victory. (团队激发的表现使他们取得了胜利。)
3. The novel is an inspired work of fiction. (这本小说是一部灵感十足的作品。)
4. The artist's inspired paintings captivate audiences. (艺术家的灵感画作吸引了观众。)
5. His inspiring story of success motivated many young people. (他激励人心的成功故事激发了许多年轻人的动力。)
6. The speech had an inspiring effect on the crowd, who applauded enthusiastically. (演讲对观众产生了激励作用,他们热烈鼓掌。)
7. The coach's words inspired the team to give their all. (教练的话激励着队员们全力以赴。)
8. Her inspired leadership guided the company through difficult times. (她的卓越领导力指引着公司度过了困难时期。)
9. The artist claims to be inspired by the beauty of nature. (艺术家声称受到大自然美丽的启发。)
10. The musician's performance was filled with inspiration and touched the hearts of the audience. (音乐家的表演充满灵感,触动了观众的心灵。)
11. The book is an inspired exploration of the human condition. (这本书是对人类状况的灵感探索。)
12. The film's cinematography is truly inspired and visually stunning. (电影的摄影是真正的灵感之作,视觉上令人惊叹。)
13. The ballet performance was an inspired blend of music, dance, and storytelling. (芭蕾舞表演是音乐、舞蹈和叙事的灵感融合。)
14. The teacher's inspired teaching methods engaged the students and fostered their love for learning. (老师激发的教学方法使学生们投入,并培养了他们对学习的热爱。)
15. The inspired design of the building reflects the architect's vision and creativity. (建筑物的灵感设计反映了建筑师的眼光和创造力。)
16. The inspired chef created a unique and delicious menu for the restaurant. (富有创意的厨师为餐厅设计了独特而美味的菜单。)
17. The poet's inspired words resonated with the audience and left a lasting impression. (诗人的灵感词句引起了观众共鸣,并留下了深刻的印象。)
18. The team's inspired teamwork led to their remarkable success. (团队的灵感团结合作导致了他们令人瞩目的成功。)
19. The inspired entrepreneur built a thriving business from scratch. (富有灵感的企业家从零开始建立了一个蓬勃发展的企业。)
20. The inspired invention revolutionized the industry and changed people's lives. (这项富有灵感的发明改变了行业,改变了人们的生活。)