形容词 (Adjective)
名词 (Noun)
- (封锁)a situation in which a country, city, or port is surrounded by armed forces to stop people or goods from entering or leaving
- (封锁行动)an act of surrounding a place with armed forces in order to stop people or goods from entering or leaving
- (封锁线)a line of ships or vehicles that are used to stop people or goods from entering or leaving a place
词语辨析 (Differentiation)
blockade, embargo, siege
- blockade: 指军舰或部队将某个港口或城市包围起来,以阻止其进出的行动。
- embargo: 指政府禁止对某国进行贸易,通常是出于政治或经济原因。
- siege: 指敌军包围城市、堡垒等,封锁食品、武器等物资的供应。
词汇扩充 (Vocabulary Expansion)
blockade runner (noun): a ship or person who tries to get past a blockade
blockader (noun): a person or country that is blockading a place
近义词 (Synonyms)
encirclement, siege, embargo, cordon, isolation
反义词 (Antonyms)
access, openness, freedom
柯林斯词典 (Collins Dictionary)
blockade (noun)
- the closing off of a place by troops or ships to prevent goods or people from entering or leaving
- any effort to prevent supplies, etc., from reaching an enemy, as by the use of convoys
blockade (verb)
- to close off or block (a place) with troops or ships to prevent goods or people from entering or leaving
- to try to stop (goods, people, etc.) from entering or leaving a place by setting up a blockade
牛津词典 (Oxford Dictionary)
blockade (noun)
- an act or means of sealing off a place to prevent goods or people from entering or leaving
blockade (verb)
- seal off (a place) to prevent goods or people from entering or leaving
用法 (Usage)
- The blockade of the city lasted for several weeks.
- The government imposed an economic blockade on the country.
- The navy established a naval blockade to prevent enemy ships from entering the harbor.
- The blockade runners attempted to smuggle essential supplies into the besieged city.
- The country faced an international blockade, cutting off its access to trade.
相关例句 (Example Sentences)
- The country is facing a naval blockade, preventing any ships from entering or leaving the port.
- 该国正面临着海上封锁,阻止任何船只进出港口。
- The rebels set up a blockade to prevent government forces from advancing.
- 叛军设立了封锁线,阻止政府军队的推进。
- The blockade of the city caused severe shortages of food and medicine.
- 对该城市的封锁导致食品和药品严重短缺。
- The international community condemned the blockade as a violation of human rights.
- 国际社会谴责封锁行为,称其违反人权。
- The blockade runners managed to evade the naval blockade and deliver supplies to the trapped civilians.
- 走私船成功躲避海上封锁,向被困的居民运送了物资。
- During the war, the country was under a blockade, making it difficult for essential goods to reach the population.
- 战争期间,该国处于封锁状态,使得必需品难以送到人民手中。
- The government imposed a blockade on imports of certain goods to protect domestic industries.
- 政府对某些商品实施了进口禁令,以保护国内产业。
- The blockade was lifted after negotiations between the two countries.
- 两国之间进行谈判后,封锁解除了。
- The citizens protested against the blockade, demanding the government to lift the restrictions.
- 市民们抗议封锁,要求政府解除限制。
- The blockade had a devastating impact on the country's economy.
- 封锁对该国经济造成了毁灭性影响。
- Despite the blockade, some essential supplies managed to enter the city through underground networks.
- 尽管有封锁,一些必需品还是通过地下网络进入了城市。
- The blockade disrupted the flow of goods and caused prices to skyrocket.
- 封锁扰乱了货物流通,导致物价飞涨。
- The naval vessels formed a blockade around the enemy port, preventing any ships from leaving.
- 海军舰艇在敌方港口周围形成封锁,阻止任何船只离开。
- Despite the blockade, some brave individuals managed to escape the war-torn city.
- 尽管有封锁,一些勇敢的个人设法逃离了那个饱受战争摧残的城市。
- The blockade caused a humanitarian crisis, with thousands of people facing starvation.
- 封锁导致人道主义危机,数千人面临饥饿。
- The government declared a state of emergency and established a blockade to prevent protests from spreading.
- 政府宣布进入紧急状态,并设立封锁线以阻止抗议活动的蔓延。
- The blockade was lifted, allowing much-needed aid to reach the affected areas.
- 封锁解除,使急需的援助物资得以抵达受灾地区。
- The blockade had a detrimental effect on the country's economy, leading to widespread unemployment.
- 封锁对该国经济产生了不利影响,导致大规模失业。
- During the war, the blockade prevented the enemy forces from receiving reinforcements.
- 战争期间,封锁阻止了敌军接受增援。
- The protesters attempted to break through the police blockade but were unsuccessful.
- 抗议者试图冲破警察的封锁,但未能成功。