1. 名词:
1) scratches: 划痕,刮痕2) scratch: 抓痕,抓痕声,抓痕状物,搔痒处
2. 形容词:
1) scratched: 划痕的,有擦伤的2) scratchy: 有划伤的,刺耳的,粗糙的
3. 动词:
1) scratch: 划痕,抓破,搔,擦4. 词语辨析:
1) scratch vs scrape: 两者均表示擦伤或刮伤表面,但"scratch"强调使用坚硬物体划过表面,而"scrape"强调使用较为平坦的物体擦过表面。2) scratch vs graze: 两者均表示擦伤,但"scratch"强调划破表面,而"graze"强调浅表的擦伤。
5. 词汇扩展:
1) scratcher: 刮痕的人或物2) scratchiness: 刺耳,粗糙
6. 近义词:
1) scrape: 刮擦,擦伤2) mark: 痕迹,划痕
7. 反义词:
1) smoothness: 平滑,光滑2) polish: 擦亮,抛光
scratches (noun): Scratches are small cuts or marks on a person's or animal's skin that have been caused by something sharp.
scratched (adjective): If something is scratched, it has marks or lines on its surface where it has been slightly damaged.
scratch (verb): If you scratch yourself, you rub your fingernails against your skin because it is itching.
scratches (noun): A mark or wound made by scratching.
scratched (adjective): Score or mark the surface of (something) with a sharp or pointed object.
scratch (verb): Score or mark the surface of (something) with a sharp or pointed object.
1. The cat has several scratches on its paw.
2. The table is scratched and needs to be repaired.
3. I can't stop scratching my mosquito bites.
4. She scratched her name into the tree trunk.
5. Be careful not to scratch the car when parking.
- The kitten has scratches all over its paws. 小猫爪子上到处都是划痕。
- He accidentally scratched the surface of the table with his keys. 他不小心用钥匙划伤了桌子表面。
- The scratched CD skips when I play it. 这张划伤的光盘播放时会跳动。
- Her arm was covered in scratches from the thorny bushes. 她的手臂上有很多从荆棘丛中刮伤的抓痕。
- I always scratch my head when I'm deep in thought. 我总是在沉思时抓头。
- The cat loves to scratch its scratching post. 这只猫喜欢抓它的抓痕柱。
- She used her keys to scrape a scratch on the car door. 她用钥匙在车门上擦出了一个划痕。
- His scratchy voice made it difficult to understand him. 他刺耳的声音让人难以理解他说的话。
- I applied a bandage to cover the scratch on my arm. 我贴了创可贴遮住手臂上的擦伤。
- The child fell off his bike and got a graze on his knee. 孩子从自行车上摔下来,膝盖擦伤了。
- The artist used a sharp tool to etch intricate scratches on the metal surface. 艺术家用尖锐的工具在金属表面上刻出复杂的划痕。
- The car's paintwork was flawless without any marks or scratches. 这辆车的涂装完美无瑕,没有任何痕迹或划痕。
- He won't be able to attend the game because he scratched his knee and it's still bleeding. 他因为膝盖擦伤并且还在流血,所以不能参加比赛。
- The cat scratches the door to let us know it wants to go outside. 这只猫抓门告诉我们它想出去。
- I accidentally scraped the wall while moving furniture. 我在搬家时不小心刮到了墙壁。
- She used her keys to scrape the scratch off the glass surface. 她用钥匙把玻璃表面的划痕刮掉。
- The rough texture of the fabric felt scratchy against my skin. 这种织物的粗糙质地在我的皮肤上感觉很刺痒。
- He tried to polish the scratched table, but the marks were too deep. 他试图擦亮那张划痕的桌子,但是划痕太深了。
- The dog scratches its ear when it has an itch. 这只狗痒了时就会抓耳朵。
- She accidentally scratched her car against a tree branch while parking. 她在停车时不小心把车擦到了树枝上。
- The child's scratches from playing outside started to heal. 孩子在外面玩耍时留下的擦伤开始愈合。