madness, insanity, lunacy 这三个名词都指精神上的失常状态,用以形容疯狂的行为或思维。
madness 一词更常用于强调情感上的疯狂,也可用于描述一时的狂热或激动。
insanity 一词更偏向于临床上的精神错乱,多指持续的或慢性的精神失常。
lunacy 则更强调突然发作的疯狂或临时的精神失常。
madness (noun)
madness (noun)
madness 是一个可数名词,可用作主语、宾语或表语。
madness 也可用作不可数名词,表示情绪激动或活动的状态。
- His behavior was a clear sign of madness. (他的行为明显是精神失常的迹象。)
- The madness of the city's traffic is overwhelming. (城市交通的混乱令人不堪。)
- Starting a business in such a competitive market would be madness. (在如此竞争激烈的市场中创业是愚蠢的。)
- The prisoners were driven to madness by the inhumane conditions. (囚犯们因不人道的条件而被逼疯。)
- He laughed with madness in his eyes. (他眼中闪烁着疯狂的笑意。)
- The crowd cheered with madness as the team scored the winning goal. (当球队进球获胜时,人群兴奋地欢呼。)
- The madness of war led to countless deaths. (战争的疯狂导致了无数的死亡。)
- She couldn't believe the madness that had taken hold of her life. (她无法相信她生活中的这种疯狂。)
- He was committed to a mental institution due to his bouts of madness. (由于他的疯狂发作,他被送进了精神病院。)
- The madness of the storm left destruction in its wake. (暴风雨过后,一片狼藉。)
- The madness of the crowd reached a fever pitch during the concert. (音乐会期间,人群的疯狂达到了高潮。)
- Their reckless behavior was an act of sheer madness. (他们鲁莽的行为纯粹是一种疯狂。)
- Don't listen to him, he's talking absolute madness. (别听他的,他在胡说八道。)
- The madness of their plan was evident to everyone except themselves. (除了他们自己,每个人都明白他们计划的荒谬。)
- She danced with wild abandon, lost in the madness of the music. (她放浪地跳舞,沉浸在音乐的狂欢中。)
- The artist's painting captured the essence of madness. (艺术家的画捕捉到了疯狂的本质。)
- His outburst of anger was a momentary madness. (他的愤怒爆发只是一时的疯狂。)
- The chaos and madness of the carnival overwhelmed the senses. (狂欢节的混乱和疯狂让人无法承受。)
- She looked into his eyes and saw the madness lurking beneath. (她看着他的眼睛,看到了潜藏其中的疯狂。)
- In the heat of the moment, he acted with madness and regretted it later. (在那一刻的激动中,他行事疯狂,后悔不已。)