1. 战争的;好战的 - 中文翻译:好斗的;好战的;好争斗的 - 词语辨析:belligerent常用于描述人或国家的好战性质,指其倾向于发动战争或斗争。 - 词汇扩充:belligerently (副词) - 近义词:aggressive, combative - 反义词:peaceful, pacifist 2. 敌对的;敌方的 - 中文翻译:敌对的;敌方的 - 词语辨析:belligerent用于描述敌对的关系或状态,特指参与战争的一方。 - 词汇扩充:belligerence (名词) - 近义词:hostile, antagonistic - 反义词:friendly, amicable名词
1. 交战国;交战方 - 中文翻译:交战国;交战方 - 词语辨析:belligerent作名词时指参与战争的国家或组织。 - 词汇扩充:belligerency (名词) - 近义词:combatant, adversary - 反义词:ally, friend词典解释
- 柯林斯词典: - 1. If you say that someone is belligerent, you mean that they are hostile and aggressive. - 2. Belligerent is also a noun. A belligerent is a country, group, or person that is involved in a war. - 牛津词典: - 1. Hostile and aggressive. - 2. A nation or person engaged in war or conflict, as recognized by international law.用法示例
1. The belligerent dog growled at anyone who approached.这只好斗的狗对任何靠近它的人都咆哮。 2. The two nations have been engaged in belligerent behavior for years.
这两个国家多年来一直表现出敌对的行为。 3. The belligerent attitude of the manager created a tense atmosphere in the office.
经理的好战态度在办公室里制造了一种紧张的氛围。 4. The belligerents signed a ceasefire agreement to end the conflict.
交战双方签署了停火协议以结束冲突。 5. He always seems to be in a belligerent mood, ready to argue about anything.
他似乎总是情绪不稳,随时准备为任何事情争吵。 6. The belligerent nations refused to negotiate a peaceful settlement.
交战国拒绝就和平解决方案进行谈判。 7. The belligerence between the two rival gangs led to frequent street fights.
两个敌对帮派之间的敌意导致了频繁的街头斗殴。 8. The belligerent army launched an attack on the enemy's stronghold.
交战国军队对敌人的据点发动了进攻。 9. The belligerent nations were urged to find a diplomatic solution to the conflict.
敦促交战国找到冲突的外交解决方案。 10. The belligerent tone of his voice made it clear that he was not interested in reconciliation.
他说话的好斗语气表明他对和解不感兴趣。 11. The belligerent tribes clashed over control of the disputed territory.
交战部落在争夺有争议的领土的控制权时发生了冲突。 12. The belligerent nations mobilized their forces for a full-scale war.
交战国调动了他们的军队准备全面战争。 13. The belligerent group launched a cyber attack on the enemy's infrastructure.
交战组织对敌方基础设施发动了网络攻击。 14. The belligerent leaders refused to back down, escalating the conflict.
好战的领导人拒绝让步,使冲突升级。 15. The belligerent nation faced economic sanctions from the international community.
交战国面临来自国际社会的经济制裁。 16. The belligerent army was finally defeated and forced to surrender.
交战国军队最终被击败并被迫投降。 17. The belligerent actions of the rebels threatened the stability of the region.
叛乱分子的好斗行为威胁到了该地区的稳定。 18. The belligerent nature of the conflict made diplomatic negotiations difficult.
冲突的好战本质使得外交谈判变得困难。 19. The belligerent groups engaged in guerrilla warfare against the occupying forces.
交战组织对占领军进行了游击战。 20. The belligerent behavior of the protestors led to clashes with the police.