1. negative英 [ˈnɛɡətɪv] 美 [ˈnɛɡətɪv]
1. He has a negative attitude towards everything.(他对一切事物持消极态度。)
2. The news had a negative impact on the stock market.(这个消息对股市产生了不利影响。) 2. pessimistic
英 [ˌpɛsɪˈmɪstɪk] 美 [ˌpɛsɪˈmɪstɪk]
1. He always has a pessimistic view of the future.(他对未来总是持悲观态度。)
2. The report paints a pessimistic picture of the economy.(该报告对经济形势进行了消极的描述。)
1. negative英 [ˈnɛɡətɪv] 美 [ˈnɛɡətɪv]
1. The article focuses on the negatives of social media.(该文章关注社交媒体的消极因素。)
2. She always tries to find the positives in any situation, even when faced with negatives.(她总是努力在任何情况下找到积极的一面,即使面临消极因素。)
1. negative vs. positivenegative的含义是消极的、否定的,而positive的含义则是积极的、肯定的。
1. He has a negative outlook on life, while she always maintains a positive attitude.(他对生活持消极态度,而她总是保持积极的态度。)
1. If you are negative about something, you show that you dislike or disapprove of it.
2. Negative is used to describe things that are harmful or unpleasant.
1. A negative is a word, expression, or gesture that means 'no' or 'not' and is used to reject an offer or to say that something is not possible or true.
2. The negative of something is its opposite or reverse, or something that is the opposite of it.
3. The negative of a photograph or image is the image that is produced on a piece of film or photographic paper when it is developed.
4. If something is a negative for a particular thing or person, it has a harmful effect on them.
5. If someone gives you a negative, they refuse to do what you have asked them to do.
6. In grammar, a negative is a word or phrase such as 'not' or 'never' that indicates that something is untrue or is not happening or did not happen.
7. A negative is a photographic film that has an image on it but is not yet ready for printing.
8. A negative is a statement or indication that something is not true or cannot happen.
9. If someone gets a negative, they are told that they have not got a job or a part in a play. If they give a negative, they refuse a job or a part in a play.
10. If a doctor or scientist gives you a negative, they tell you that you do not have a particular illness or that you have not got a particular condition.
11. A negative is a photograph, film, or digital file, or an image on a film, in which the colours and tones are the opposite of the ones that are in the thing that is photographed or filmed.
12. If you describe a person or their attitude as negative, you disapprove of them because they only tell you what is wrong with a situation and never tell you what is good about it.
1. consisting in or characterized by the absence rather than the presence of distinguishing features.
2. (of a person, attitude, or situation) not desirable or optimistic.
1. a word or statement that expresses denial, disagreement, or refusal.
2. a photographic image made on film or specially prepared glass that shows the light and shade or different colours of the subject exactly as they are.
3. a negative result, answer, or decision.
4. (in printing or photography) a reversed or mirror image produced by removing or blocking light in order to leave a print or a white image on a black or coloured background.
5. a pessimistic view or attitude.
6. (in a two-party system) a vote cast to indicate that a voter neither supports nor opposes a proposition or candidate.
7. (in a steam engine) the negative state or condition of a working fluid.
8. a photograph, film, or plate showing such an image.
9. a bad or unwelcome feature or characteristic.
10. (in a photographic process) the light-sensitive surface of a film or plate.