flirt 一词既可以作为动词,表示调情、打情骂俏,也可以作为名词,指称调情的人或轻浮的人。同时,flirt 还可用作形容词,用来形容轻浮的,调情的行为或情感。
tease(调戏,逗弄),toy(调戏,玩耍),coquet(调情),trifle(调戏,嬉戏),dally(调情),mash(调情),lead on(引诱)。
柯林斯词典(Collins Dictionary)
flirt (verb)
If you flirt with someone, you behave as if you are sexually attracted to them, in a playful or not very serious way.
flirt (noun)
A flirt is someone who flirts a lot or in a playful way.
牛津词典(Oxford Dictionary)
flirt (verb)
Behave as though sexually attracted to someone, but playfully rather than with serious intentions.
flirt (noun)
A person who flirts.
- He enjoys flirting with girls at the bar.
- She flirted with the idea of starting her own business.
- Stop flirting and just ask her out!
- They were flirting with each other all night.
- He often flirts with his co-workers.
- She's such a flirt, always teasing the guys.
- He's a real ladies' man and a shameless flirt.
- Don't take him seriously, he's just a harmless flirt.
- She attracts a lot of attention with her flirty behavior.
- She was flattered by his flirting.
- He's always flirting with every woman he meets.
- Stop flirting and start focusing on your work.
- They flirted with each other during the entire party.
- She's a flirt, but she never takes it further.
- His flirtatious behavior made her uncomfortable.
- He's such a flirty guy, always making playful comments.
- She enjoys the attention she gets from flirting.
- They had a brief flirtation but never pursued a relationship.
- Her friends warned her about his reputation as a flirt.
- He's a natural flirt and knows how to make people feel special.
- She's quite flirty with her body language and playful remarks.
- He's a charming flirt, but he rarely gets into serious relationships.
- She has a reputation as a flirt, but she's actually very loyal.
- His flirting with different girls at the party was quite obvious.
- Her flirty behavior may be misinterpreted by others.
- He was accused of sexual harassment due to his constant flirting.
- Don't take his flirty comments seriously, he's just joking.
- She's known for her flirty personality, always trying to make people smile.
- He's not interested in a committed relationship, he's just a harmless flirt.