rotation [rəʊˈteɪʃn] (复数:rotations)
- 旋转;转动
- 轮流;更替
- 循环;循环运动
- (地球的)自转
- (球队的)轮换
rotational [rəʊˈteɪʃənl]
- 旋转的;转动的
- 轮流的;交替的
rotate [rəʊˈteɪt] (动词)
- 旋转;转动
- 轮流;交替
- 循环;循环运动
rotate 和 rotation 都表示“旋转”或“转动”的意思,但 rotate 是动词,表示主动旋转或转动;而 rotation 是名词,表示旋转或转动的动作或状态。
rotation (名词)
- 旋转;转动
- 轮流;更替
- 循环;循环运动
- (地球的)自转
- (球队的)轮换
rotation (名词)
- 旋转;转动
- 轮流;更替
- 循环;循环运动
- (地球的)自转
- (球队的)轮换
1. The rotation of the Earth causes day and night.
2. The crops in the field need regular rotation to maintain soil fertility.
3. The team's coach decided to make some rotations in the starting lineup.
4. The Earth completes one full rotation on its axis in approximately 24 hours.
5. The rotational movement of the wheel helps the vehicle move forward.
- Without regular tire rotations, the front tires wear out much faster than the rear tires.(如果不定期进行轮胎的更替,前轮的磨损速度会比后轮快得多。)
- The rotation of the Earth causes the apparent movement of the sun across the sky.(地球的自转导致太阳在天空中的视觉运动。)
- It's your turn to do the dishes. We have a rotation system in this house.(轮到你洗碗了。我们家有个轮流制度。)
- The rotational speed of the engine should be kept within a certain range.(发动机的转速应保持在一定范围内。)
- Our department has implemented a rotation program to give employees the opportunity to work in different teams.(我们部门已经实施了一个轮换计划,使员工有机会在不同的团队中工作。)
- During the rotation of the Earth, different parts of the planet experience day and night.(在地球的自转过程中,地球的不同部分经历昼夜交替。)
- The chef created a rotation of seasonal dishes to keep the menu fresh and exciting.(厨师设计了一份季节性菜单,以保持菜单的新鲜和有趣。)
- The rotation of the tires should be done every 5,000 miles to ensure even wear.(应该每5000英里进行一次轮胎的更替,以确保均匀磨损。)
- The rotational speed of the wind turbine determines its energy output.(风力发电机的旋转速度决定了其能量输出。)
- Every four years, there is a rotation of host countries for the Olympic Games.(每四年,奥运会的主办国会有一次更替。)
- The rotational motion of the planets around the sun is called revolution.(行星绕太阳的旋转运动称为公转。)
- The rotation of the Earth on its axis causes the cycle of day and night.(地球绕其轴的自转导致了昼夜的循环。)
- I'm in charge of the morning shift this week, and next week it will be your rotation.(这周早班由我负责,下周轮到你了。)
- The rotational force of the spinning top keeps it balanced and upright.(旋转顶的旋转力使其保持平衡和直立。)
- The tires should be regularly rotated to ensure even wear and extend their lifespan.(应定期更换轮胎,以确保均匀磨损并延长使用寿命。)
- The rotation of the Earth causes the movement of ocean currents.(地球的自转导致了洋流的运动。)
- The rotation of the gears in the engine generates power.(发动机齿轮的旋转产生动力。)
- She likes to change her hairstyle frequently, so she rotates between different colors and cuts.(她喜欢经常改变发型,所以她在不同的颜色和剪裁之间轮换。)
- The doctors have a rotation system where they take turns being on call.(医生们有一个轮流值班的制度。)
- It is important to have a regular rotation of crops to prevent soil depletion.(定期轮作是防止土壤退化的重要措施。)
- The rotational speed of a CD affects the quality of the audio playback.(CD的旋转速度会影响音频播放的质量。)