1. tomblike: 与墓地或坟墓相关的;类似墓地的。
1. tomb: 坟墓;陵墓。
2. tomb: 埋葬(或安葬)之处。
tomb, grave, mausoleum:tomb是指供葬尸体的墓地或陵墓;grave指的是一个坟墓,通常是埋葬单个人;mausoleum是指规模庞大且豪华的陵墓。
1. burial: 埋葬;葬礼。
2. sepulcher: 坟墓;墓穴。
3. crypt: 地下室;地穴。
grave, sepulcher, mausoleum, crypt, burial chamber
birth, life
1. In a graveyard, a tomb is a large stone structure above or below the ground where a dead person is buried.
2. A tomb is the same as a tombstone.
3. If a dead person is buried in a tomb or tombstone, they are buried in a tomb.
1. A large vault, typically an underground one, for burying the dead.
2. A large vault, typically of stone, containing the remains of a dead person above ground.
1. The ancient tomb was discovered during an archaeological excavation.(这座古墓是在考古挖掘中发现的。)
2. She visited her father's tomb to pay her respects. (她参观了她父亲的坟墓以示敬意。)
3. The inscription on the tombstone read, "Beloved mother and wife."(墓碑上的铭文写着“亲爱的母亲和妻子”。)
- The ancient tomb was discovered during an archaeological excavation.(这座古墓是在考古挖掘中发现的。)
- She visited her father's tomb to pay her respects.(她参观了她父亲的坟墓以示敬意。)
- The inscription on the tombstone read, "Beloved mother and wife."(墓碑上的铭文写着“亲爱的母亲和妻子”。)
- They laid flowers on the tomb as a sign of remembrance.(他们在坟墓上放置鲜花以示纪念。)
- The pharaoh's tomb was filled with treasures and artifacts.(法老的陵墓里充满了宝藏和古物。)
- Explorers uncovered a hidden tomb in the depths of the jungle.(探险家们在丛林深处发现了一座隐藏的墓穴。)
- She knelt beside her husband's tomb, overcome with grief.(她跪在丈夫的坟前,悲痛欲绝。)
- The tombstone was engraved with the deceased's name and dates of birth and death.(墓碑上刻着逝者的姓名和出生与死亡日期。)
- Many ancient tombs have been looted by treasure hunters.(许多古墓已经被财宝猎人洗劫一空。)
- The tomb was adorned with intricate carvings and ornate decorations.(墓穴上装饰着精细的雕刻和华丽的装饰。)
- They held a solemn ceremony at the tomb to honor the fallen soldiers.(他们在坟墓上举行了庄严的仪式,以纪念阵亡的士兵。)
- The tomb was sealed with a heavy stone slab.(墓穴被一块厚重的石板密封。)
- Archaeologists discovered an ancient tomb filled with artifacts from the Ming Dynasty.(考古学家发现了一座充满明朝文物的古墓。)
- The tomb had been plundered long ago, leaving only fragments of pottery behind.(古墓早在很久以前就被洗劫一空,只剩下了陶器的碎片。)
- She felt a sense of peace when she visited her grandparents' tomb.(当她参观祖父母的坟墓时,她感到一种平静。)
- The tomb was hidden beneath layers of overgrown vegetation.(墓穴被茂密的植被覆盖着。)
- Local legends spoke of a cursed tomb that brought misfortune to anyone who entered.(当地传说有一个被诅咒的墓穴,进入的人都会遭遇不幸。)
- Tourists flocked to visit the famous royal tombs in the valley.(游客蜂拥而至参观山谷中著名的王陵。)
- He decided to build a grand mausoleum to honor his late wife.(他决定修建一座宏伟的陵墓以纪念他已故的妻子。)
- The tomb was decorated with elaborate statues and intricate mosaics.(墓穴上装饰着精美的雕像和复杂的马赛克。)
- They conducted a thorough excavation of the tomb, hoping to uncover valuable artifacts.(他们对墓穴进行了彻底的挖掘,希望能发现有价值的文物。)