1. 被围攻的;受到围观的
2. 挤满人群的;拥挤的
英文:packed with people; crowded
1. 暴民
英文:mob; riotous crowd
2. 群众
英文:crowd; multitude
1. mobbed vs crowded:
- The celebrity was mobbed by fans as she left the building. (这位名人离开大楼时被粉丝们围攻。)
- The concert was so crowded that I could hardly move. (音乐会人山人海,我几乎无法移动。)
- mobster:暴徒,流氓 (a member of a mob, especially a criminal gang)
- mob mentality:暴民心态 (the behavior or thinking of a large group of people, characterized by a lack of individual responsibility or critical judgment)
- mob rule:暴民统治 (a situation in which control or influence is exerted by a mass of ordinary people, typically through intimidation or violence)
- mob justice:暴力伸张正义 (the act of taking the law into one's own hands, often involving violence, in order to seek justice or revenge)
- crowd:人群,群众
- throng:人群,群众
- multitude:人群,大众
- horde:一大群,一伙人
- swarm:蜂群,一大群
- solitude:孤独,独处
- serenity:宁静,平静
mobbed [informal]
If you say that a place is mobbed, you mean that it is full of people or animals, usually because something interesting or exciting is happening.
- The shop is always mobbed with people, especially on weekends.
A mobbed is a large noisy crowd of people, especially one that is protesting about something or is likely to become violent.
- The angry protestors formed a mob and started breaking windows.
Crowded and full of activity, excitement, or interest.
An organized group of criminals, similar to a gang.
- The museum was mobbed with visitors after the new exhibition was launched.
- The police managed to disperse the mob before any damage was done.
1. 形容词用法:
- The popular singer was mobbed by fans as she left the stadium.
- The mobbed store offered huge discounts on Black Friday.
2. 名词用法:
- The angry mob set fire to several cars during the protest.
- The celebrity was surrounded by a mob of paparazzi.
- The celebrity was mobbed by fans as she left the building. (这位名人离开大楼时被粉丝们围攻。)
- The concert was so crowded that I could hardly move. (音乐会人山人海,我几乎无法移动。)
- The mobster was apprehended by the police after a lengthy chase. (经过长时间的追逐,警察逮捕了这名暴徒。)
- When the politician arrived, a throng of supporters greeted him. (政治家到达时,一群支持者迎接了他。)
- The horde of shoppers rushed into the store as soon as the doors opened. (门一开,一大群购物者涌进了商店。)
- The mob mentality led to destructive behavior during the protest. (暴民心态导致了抗议期间的破坏行为。)
- During times of mob rule, law and order can easily break down. (在暴民统治的时期,法律和秩序很容易崩溃。)
- The peaceful demonstration turned into mob justice as the crowd became violent. (和平示威演变成了暴力伸张正义,因为人群变得暴力。)
- The mobbed shop had to close its doors temporarily to manage the overwhelming number of customers. (这家人山人海的商店不得不暂时关闭以应对过多的顾客。)
- The solitude of the countryside provided a welcome escape from the mobbed city. (乡村的宁静提供了一个逃离喧嚣城市的宜人场所。)
- The serenity of the beach was a stark contrast to the mobbed boardwalk. (海滩的宁静与人山人海的木板路形成了鲜明的对比。)
- The shop is always mobbed with people, especially on weekends.
- The angry protestors formed a mob and started breaking windows.
- The museum was mobbed with visitors after the new exhibition was launched.
- The police managed to disperse the mob before any damage was done.
- The popular singer was mobbed by fans as she left the stadium.
- The mobbed store offered huge discounts on Black Friday.
- The angry mob set fire to several cars during the protest.
- The celebrity was surrounded by a mob of paparazzi.
- When the politician arrived, a throng of supporters greeted him.
- The horde of shoppers rushed into the store as soon as the doors opened.