1. niche
She found her niche in the company and is now excelling in her role.(她在公司找到了适合自己的位置,现在在她的职位上表现出色。)
2. niche
The store specializes in niche products that are not easily found elsewhere.(该店专门销售其他地方不容易找到的特定产品。)
1. niche
She placed a small statue in the niche above the fireplace.(她把一个小雕像放在壁炉上方的凹处。)
2. niche
He struggled to find his niche in the competitive business world.(在竞争激烈的商业世界中,他努力寻找适合自己的位置。)
niche vs. corner
niche vs. specialty
Collins Dictionary definition:
niche (noun)
1. a small recess or hollow in a wall, etc., esp one in a wall to contain a statue, etc.
2. a place or position particularly suitable or appropriate for a person or thing
niche (adjective)
1. (of a product) produced and marketed for specialized uses, such as a niche magazine
2. denoting or relating to products, etc., that appeal to a small specialized section of the population
Oxford Dictionary definition:
niche (noun)
1. a shallow recess, especially one in a wall to display a statue or other ornament
2. a comfortable or suitable position in life or employment
niche (adjective)
1. denoting or relating to products, services, or interests that appeal to a small, specialized section of the population
- He found his niche in the music industry and became a successful producer.(他在音乐行业找到了适合自己的位置,并成为一名成功的制作人。)
- The artist created a beautiful sculpture for the niche in the cathedral.(艺术家为大教堂的壁龛创作了一座美丽的雕塑。)
- She carved out a niche for herself in the competitive fashion industry.(她在竞争激烈的时尚行业中开拓了自己的市场。)
- The company specializes in niche products that cater to a specific target audience.(该公司专门生产面向特定目标受众的小众产品。)
- He has a unique skill set that fills a niche in the market.(他拥有独特的技能组合,满足了市场上的一个需求。)
- She found her niche as a freelance writer and enjoys the flexibility it provides.(她找到了自由撰稿人的适合自己的职位,并享受着它带来的灵活性。)
- The store focuses on niche fashion brands that are not widely available elsewhere.(该店专注于其他地方不常见的小众时尚品牌。)
- He struggled to find his niche in the competitive business world.(在竞争激烈的商业世界中,他努力寻找适合自己的位置。)
- The niche market for organic skincare products has been growing steadily.(有机护肤品的小众市场一直稳步增长。)
- She placed a small statue in the niche above the fireplace.(她把一个小雕像放在壁炉上方的凹处。)
- These specialty chocolates are targeted at a niche audience of chocolate connoisseurs.(这些特色巧克力面向巧克力鉴赏家这一小众受众群体。)
- The company's niche product quickly gained popularity among a specific group of customers.(该公司的小众产品迅速在特定的客户群中流行起来。)
- She has carved a niche for herself as a top interior designer.(她作为顶级室内设计师开辟了一片市场。)
- As a niche player in the technology industry, they focus on developing specialized software.(作为科技行业的小众参与者,他们专注于开发专业软件。)
- The niche market for vintage collectibles continues to grow.(复古收藏品的小众市场继续增长。)
- He struggled to find his niche in the art world, but eventually found success as a sculptor.(他在艺术界努力找到适合自己的位置,最终作为雕塑家取得了成功。)
- The niche magazine focuses on a specific genre of literature.(这本小众杂志专注于特定的文学流派。)
- She discovered her niche in the fitness industry as a yoga instructor.(她在健身行业中发现了自己作为瑜伽教练的位置。)
- They identified a niche market for eco-friendly household products.(他们确定了一个面向环保家居产品的小众市场。)
- The company's niche product caters to a niche market of outdoor enthusiasts.(该公司的小众产品满足了户外爱好者的小众市场需求。)
- He struggled to find his niche in the competitive job market.(在竞争激烈的就业市场中,他努力寻找适合自己的位置。)