- 名词(名次)
- 定居点;聚居地;(尤指)新定居点
- 解决;处理;了结
- (与法律有关的)协议;和解
- 殖民地;拓殖地
- 形容词(形容词)
- (指货币交易)结算的
- 决定了的;确定的;已解决的
- (指账目)清理完毕的;结算了的
1. agreement(名词):协议,同意,约定
2. resolution(名词):解决,决心,决议
3. colony(名词):殖民地,群体,菌落
4. arrangement(名词):安排,布置,协议
1. conflict(名词):冲突,争议,战斗
2. disagreement(名词):意见不合,争执,不一致
3. discord(名词):纷争,不和,不一致
英 [ˈsetlmənts] 美 [ˈsetlmənts]
- 名词
- A settlement is an official agreement between two sides who were involved in a conflict or dispute.
- A settlement is a place where people live and interact, and where a particular activity or industry is based.
- A settlement is a formal agreement between two sides in a legal dispute, especially a divorce.
- A settlement is the process of settling a legal dispute.
- A settlement is the action of settling an argument or disagreement.
- A settlement is a place where people go to live, often from a different country or region.
- A settlement is an arrangement or decision that is intended to be final and to solve a problem or difficulty.
- 形容词
- Settlement is used to describe activities or situations that are connected with the process of settling an argument or disagreement.
- 名词
- An official agreement intended to resolve a dispute or conflict.
- A place, typically one that has previously been uninhabited, where people establish a community.
- The action of settling an account.
- The process of establishing a new colony or community.
- The action of settling a matter.
- The action of paying off a debt or making a payment.
- 形容词
- Relating to the process of settling an argument or dispute.
1. The two parties have reached a settlement in their long-standing dispute.
2. The settlements in the area were established by early settlers.
3. The divorce settlement was finalized last week.
4. The company has agreed to a financial settlement with the affected customers.
- They reached a settlement on the issue.
- 他们就这个问题达成了协议。
- The settlements were established by pioneers.
- 这些定居点是由先驱者建立的。
- The settlement of their divorce was bitter.
- 他们离婚的解决办法很激烈。
- The legal settlement awarded compensation to the victims.
- 法律的和解为受害者赔偿。
- They have decided to make a settlement in order to avoid further conflicts.
- 为了避免进一步的冲突,他们决定达成和解。
- Many immigrants arrived in the new settlement seeking a better life.
- 许多移民抵达这个新的定居点,寻求更好的生活。
- The international community hopes for a peaceful settlement to the conflict.
- 国际社会希望这场冲突能够和平解决。
- Their settlement agreement included a compensation package.
- 他们的和解协议包括了一项赔偿方案。
- The negotiations resulted in a mutually acceptable settlement.
- 谈判结果达成了相互接受的解决办法。
- He was involved in the settlement of the dispute between the two parties.
- 他参与了两个当事方的争议解决。
- The company has initiated the settlement process for the outstanding debts.
- 该公司已经启动了未清偿债务的结算程序。
- The court ruled in favor of the plaintiff and ordered a financial settlement.
- 法院支持原告的诉讼请求,并下令进行财务和解。
- She described the settlement as fair and satisfactory.
- 她认为这个解决办法公平而令人满意。
- The settlement of the conflict was reached through mediation.
- 通过调解,冲突得以解决。
- They are still in the process of settlement.
- 他们仍在解决的过程中。
- The settlement of the new colony was completed within a year.
- 新殖民地的定居工作在一年内完成。
- The company has made a settlement with the employees regarding the wage dispute.
- 公司已经与员工就工资争议达成了和解。
- They are working towards a peaceful settlement of the territorial dispute.
- 他们正在为领土争端的和平解决努力。
- The settlement agreement was signed by both parties.
- 双方签署了和解协议。
- The settlement check was issued to the affected customers.
- 和解支票已经发给了受影响的客户。
- The settlement negotiations lasted for several weeks.
- 和解谈判持续了几个星期。