形容词(Adjective): seismic, seismicity, earthquake-prone 名词(Noun): earthquake, temblor, quake, tremor词语辨析
- Earthquake: 一般指地壳发生震动的自然现象,常用来表示地震的整体概念。 - Temblor: 用于非正式场合,指较小的地震。 - Quake: 口语化的词汇,指地震。 - Tremor: 用于地震引起的震动的轻微抖动。词汇扩充
- Seismology: 地震学,研究地震的科学领域。 - Seismologist: 地震学家,从事地震研究的专家。 - Epicenter: 震中,地震发生的地点在地球表面的投影点。 - Richter scale: 里氏震级,用来测量地震能量大小的标尺。 - Aftershock: 余震,主震发生后的较小地震。近义词
- Quake: tremor, temblor, seismic event - Tremor: shaking, vibration, shudder - Seismic activity: earthquake activity, earth movement反义词
- Stability: 稳定性 - Calmness: 平静柯林斯词典(Collins Dictionary)定义
名词: An earthquake is a sudden and violent shaking of the ground, often causing great destruction, as a result of movements within the earth's crust or volcanic action.牛津词典(Oxford Dictionary)定义
名词: An earthquake is a sudden and violent shaking of the ground, sometimes causing great destruction, as a result of movements within the earth's crust or volcanic action.用法
- The earthquake caused widespread damage to buildings in the city. - Many people were injured or killed in the recent earthquake. - The region is known for its high seismic activity. - Scientists are studying the causes and effects of earthquakes.例句
- There were reports of an earthquake in the region, but no significant damage was caused.(有报道称该地区发生了一次地震,但未造成重大损害。)
- The earthquake struck in the early hours of the morning, catching everyone by surprise.(地震发生在清晨时分,令所有人都感到意外。)
- Rescue teams were dispatched immediately to the affected areas after the earthquake.(地震发生后,救援队立即被派往受灾地区。)
- The earthquake measured 6.5 on the Richter scale, indicating a significant event.(地震震级为6.5级,表明这是一个重大事件。)
- After the main earthquake, several aftershocks were felt throughout the day.(主震之后,整个一天都有几次余震。)
- The earthquake caused landslides, resulting in blocked roads and disrupted transportation.(地震引发了山体滑坡,导致道路封闭和交通中断。)
- Many buildings collapsed during the earthquake, leaving people trapped under the debris.(地震期间许多建筑物倒塌,导致人们被困在废墟下。)
- Earthquakes are a natural occurrence that can happen anywhere in the world.(地震是一种全球范围内可能发生的自然现象。)
- The earthquake-prone area has implemented strict building codes to withstand seismic activity.(易发地震区已实施严格的建筑规范以应对地震活动。)
- The city has experienced several small tremors in the past month.(这个城市过去一个月经历了几次小规模的震动。)
- Residents were advised to stay outdoors during the earthquake to avoid falling objects.(地震期间建议居民待在户外以避免被物体砸中。)
- The earthquake caused a disruption in the water supply, leaving many households without access to clean water.(地震导致供水中断,许多家庭无法获得清洁的水源。)
- Seismologists are monitoring the region closely for any signs of increased seismic activity.(地震学家正在密切监测该地区是否有任何增加的地震活动迹象。)
- Local authorities have organized earthquake drills to educate the public on safety procedures during seismic events.(当地政府组织了地震演习,以向公众传授地震事件中的安全程序。)
- The earthquake caused a temporary halt in train services as the tracks were inspected for damage.(地震导致火车服务暂时停止,因为需要检查铁轨是否有损坏。)
- Scientists are studying the geological faults in the area to better understand the potential for future earthquakes.(科学家正在研究该地区的地质断层,以更好地了解未来地震的潜力。)
- Emergency response teams were dispatched immediately after the earthquake to provide medical assistance to the injured.(地震发生后,紧急救援队立即被派遣前往为受伤者提供医疗帮助。)
- The earthquake was felt as far as 100 kilometers away from the epicenter.(地震的震感可达到离震中100公里远的地方。)
- The city's infrastructure suffered significant damage due to the earthquake, requiring extensive repairs.(由于地震,该市的基础设施遭到了重大破坏,需要进行大规模的修复。)
- Earthquakes are unpredictable, and it is important to be prepared with emergency supplies and evacuation plans.(地震是无法预测的,重要的是要准备好应急物资和疏散计划。)