1. 亲戚;亲属 - My kinfolk from out of town are coming to visit us. (我从外地来的亲戚要来看我们。) - He has a large kinfolk spread across the country. (他有许多亲戚分布在全国各地。) 2. 亲属关系;亲缘关系 - Our kinfolk are deeply rooted in this community. (我们的亲缘关系深深扎根于这个社区。) - The reunion brought together kinfolk from different generations. (这次重聚聚集了来自不同世代的亲属。)形容词
1. 亲属的;亲缘的 - She shares a strong bond with her kinfolk. (她与她的亲属有着紧密的联系。) - The kinfolk reunion was a joyous occasion. (亲属重聚是一个快乐的时刻。)词语辨析
Kinfolk vs. Relatives vs. Family - Kinfolk和relatives都指亲戚、亲属关系。但kinfolk更常用于形容亲缘关系的紧密性,而relatives更普遍用于指涉一般的亲戚关系。Family则更广泛,包括亲属、家人以及家庭成员。词汇扩充
- kinsman (名词):男性亲戚;同族男性 - kinswoman (名词):女性亲戚;同族女性近义词
- family (名词):家族、家人 - relatives (名词):亲属、亲戚 - kinsfolk (名词):亲属、亲戚反义词
- strangers (名词):陌生人 - unrelated (形容词):无关的、不相关的柯林斯词典
kinfolk (名词) - Your kinfolk are your relatives. (你的亲戚是你的亲属。)牛津词典
kinfolk (名词) - People of the same family or race. (同一家族或种族的人。)用法
- We're having a small gathering with our kinfolk this weekend. (这个周末我们将与亲戚们举行一个小型聚会。) - She has a large network of kinfolk who support her. (她有一个庞大的亲属网络来支持她。)例句
- Her kinfolk came from all over the country to celebrate her birthday. (她的亲戚们从全国各地赶来庆祝她的生日。)
- We have a strong bond with our kinfolk and support each other in times of need. (我们与亲戚有着牢固的纽带,在需要的时候互相支持。)
- My kinfolk have lived in this town for generations. (我的亲戚世世代代都在这个城镇居住。)
- She is always surrounded by her kinfolk during family gatherings. (在家庭聚会期间,她总是被亲戚们包围着。)
- The kinfolk reunion brought tears of joy to everyone's eyes. (亲戚重聚让每个人都感到欢欣鼓舞。)
- He is closely connected to his kinfolk in the village. (他与村里的亲戚关系密切。)
- I have some distant kinfolk in that city, but we rarely keep in touch. (我在那个城市有些远房亲戚,但我们很少联系。)
- Her kinfolk have a strong sense of tradition and always gather for important celebrations. (她的亲戚们有着浓厚的传统意识,总是在重要的庆祝活动中聚集一起。)
- He inherited a large estate from his kinfolk. (他继承了亲戚的一大片地产。)
- The kinfolk reunion was filled with laughter, stories, and good food. (亲属重聚充满了笑声、故事和美食。)
- She considers her close friends as kinfolk, as they have supported her through thick and thin. (她把她的亲密朋友视为亲属,因为他们在好坏时光里一直支持她。)
- His kinfolk traveled from different countries to attend his graduation ceremony. (他的亲戚从不同的国家来参加他的毕业典礼。)
- Despite living far apart, they maintain a strong sense of kinship with their extended kinfolk. (尽管住得很远,他们与远房亲戚保持着紧密的亲情关系。)
- She has always felt a deep connection to her kinfolk's heritage and traditions. (她一直对亲属的传统和文化遗产有着深厚的情感纽带。)
- He is planning a genealogical research project to trace his kinfolk's roots. (他正在计划一个家谱研究项目,以追溯他的亲属根源。)
- During the holiday season, kinfolk often come together to celebrate and exchange gifts. (在假日季节,亲戚们经常聚在一起庆祝并交换礼物。)
- She discovered a long-lost kinfolk through a DNA test. (她通过DNA测试找到了一个久违的亲属。)
- The kinfolk reunion provided an opportunity for family members to reconnect and strengthen their bonds. (亲属重聚为家庭成员提供了重新联系和加强纽带的机会。)
- He has always been fascinated by his kinfolk's history and has spent years researching it. (他一直对亲属的历史感到着迷,花了多年时间进行研究。)
- She invited all her kinfolk to her wedding, wanting to share the joyous occasion with them. (她邀请了所有的亲戚参加她的婚礼,希望与他们分享这个喜庆的时刻。)