形容词 (Adjective)
1. 严格的、严谨的 (strict; rigorous)
- He has a rig training schedule for the marathon. (他有一个严格的马拉松训练计划。)
- We adhere to a rig code of conduct for our employees. (我们遵守严谨的员工行为准则。)
2. 装有机械设备的 (equipped with machinery)
- The oil platform is rig with state-of-the-art drilling equipment. (这个石油平台装备有最先进的钻井设备。)
- The ship has a rig navigation system. (这艘船配备了高级导航系统。)
名词 (Noun)
1. 钻探设备 (drilling equipment)
- The crew is responsible for operating the rig. (机组人员负责操作钻探设备。)
- They rented a rig to dig a well. (他们租了一台钻机来打井。)
2. 作弊手段 (dishonest method)
- He used a rig to win the game. (他使用了作弊手段赢得了比赛。)
- The election was marred by allegations of rigs. (选举受到了作弊指控的影响。)
词语辨析 (Synonyms)
- manipulate
- cheat
- deceive
- fix
- trick
词汇扩充 (Vocabulary Extension)
- rigged (形容词) - 操纵的、作弊的 (manipulated; dishonestly arranged)
- rigging (名词) - 操纵、作弊 (manipulation; dishonest arrangement)
- unrigged (形容词) - 未装备机械设备的 (not equipped with machinery)
近义词 (Synonyms)
- arrange
- set up
- organize
- prepare
反义词 (Antonyms)
- disassemble
- unravel
- disorganize
- dismantle
柯林斯词典 (Collins Dictionary)
rig (noun)
- A rig is a large structure that is used for removing oil or gas from the ground or from under the sea bed. (钻井平台)
- A rig is a collection of equipment that is used for a particular purpose. (设备,装备)
rig (verb)
- If someone rigs an election, a game, or a vote, they dishonestly arrange it to get the result they want. (操纵,作弊)
牛津词典 (Oxford Dictionary)
rig (noun)
- A rig is a large structure with equipment for drilling wells, extracting oil or gas, or for scientific research. (钻井平台)
- Equipment or machinery used for a particular purpose. (设备,装备)
rig (verb)
- Manipulate (a situation or contest) so as to gain an unfair advantage. (操纵,作弊)
用法 (Usage)
1. rig as a noun often refers to a drilling platform or equipment related to drilling.
2. rig as a verb refers to the act of manipulating or dishonestly arranging something.
3. In informal contexts, rig can also mean to dress or outfit oneself or someone else.
例句 (Example Sentences)
- He has a rig training schedule for the marathon. (他有一个严格的马拉松训练计划。)
- We adhere to a rig code of conduct for our employees. (我们遵守严谨的员工行为准则。)
- The oil platform is rig with state-of-the-art drilling equipment. (这个石油平台装备有最先进的钻井设备。)
- The ship has a rig navigation system. (这艘船配备了高级导航系统。)
- The crew is responsible for operating the rig. (机组人员负责操作钻探设备。)
- They rented a rig to dig a well. (他们租了一台钻机来打井。)
- He used a rig to win the game. (他使用了作弊手段赢得了比赛。)
- The election was marred by allegations of rigs. (选举受到了作弊指控的影响。)
- Politicians are often accused of rigging the system for personal gain. (政客经常被指责操纵体制谋取个人利益。)
- The mechanics are working on the rigging of the sails. (机修工正在修理帆船的索具。)
- They discovered evidence of rigged bids in the tender process. (他们在招标过程中发现了操纵竞标的证据。)
- The company was fined for rigged accounting practices. (该公司因操纵会计实务而被罚款。)
- The rig was dismantled after the drilling project was completed. (钻井项目完成后,钻机被拆除。)
- They had to unrig the ship before it could enter the harbor. (他们必须在船进入港口之前卸下船上的装备。)
- He always tries to disassemble his computer to learn how it works. (他总是试图拆解自己的电脑来了解其工作原理。)
- The company was accused of unraveling the competition by offering lower prices. (该公司被指控以低价来破坏竞争。)