1. 不同的;有差异的
2. 分化的;区分开的
3. 差别待遇的
4. 定制的;个性化的
1. 区分;差异
2. 分化
3. 定制教育
differentiated vs distinct:
1. differentiation: 差异化
2. differentiator: 区分者
3. differentiate oneself: 使自己与众不同
distinct, varied, diverse, dissimilar, contrasting
similar, identical, homogeneous
1. If a company or product is differentiated, it has a special feature or advantage that makes people choose it or prefer it to others of the same type.
2. In biology, if a group of cells or tissues differentiate or are differentiated, they change and become different from each other or from their original state.
1. Differentiation is the process by which cells or tissues change and become different from each other or from their original state.
2. Differentiation is the process of recognizing or showing that two or more things are not the same.
1. (of a product) made or tailored to suit a particular person or task.
2. (of a company) marketing products in different ways to different customers, or of a product) made or marketed in this way.
3. (of a cell or tissue) become specialized in structure and function.
1. the action of differentiating.
2. the process of distinguishing between two or more things.
1. The company offers a differentiated product line to cater to various customer preferences.
2. The cells in the embryo begin to differentiate into different types of tissue.
3. The differentiation between the two species is based on their distinct markings.
- His differentiated teaching approach caters to students with diverse learning styles. 他差异化的教学方法满足了具有不同学习风格的学生。
- The company's differentiated marketing strategy targets different demographic segments. 公司差异化的营销策略针对不同的人口群体。
- The cells in the human body differentiate to form various tissues and organs. 人体细胞分化形成各种组织和器官。
- The differentiation of stem cells into specialized cells is a complex process. 干细胞向特化细胞的分化是一个复杂的过程。
- She can differentiate between different types of birds just by their songs. 她能够通过鸟儿的歌声来区分不同类型的鸟。
- The differentiation of duties and responsibilities is important for a well-functioning team. 职责和责任的区分对于一个运作良好的团队至关重要。
- These two species of flowers are closely related but can be differentiated by their petal color. 这两种花卉密切相关,但可以通过花瓣颜色进行区分。
- He differentiated himself from other candidates by showcasing his unique skills. 他通过展示他独特的技能使自己与其他候选人区分开来。
- The company aims to provide differentiated services to meet the specific needs of each customer. 公司旨在提供差异化的服务,以满足每位客户的特定需求。
- During development, cells differentiate into different types to form various tissues and organs. 在发育过程中,细胞分化为不同类型,形成各种组织和器官。
- The differentiation of labor is essential for the smooth operation of the factory. 劳动分工对于工厂的顺利运作至关重要。
- She can differentiate between genuine and counterfeit products with just a glance. 她一眼就能区分真品和假冒产品。
- These two species of birds are similar in appearance, but their songs help differentiate them. 这两种鸟类在外观上相似,但它们的歌声有助于区分它们。
- The differentiation between the two political parties lies in their policy approaches. 这两个政党之间的区别在于它们的政策取向。
- The differentiation of cells during embryonic development is a fascinating process. 胚胎发育过程中的细胞分化是一个令人着迷的过程。
- She has the ability to differentiate between authentic and imitation artwork. 她有能力区分真迹和仿制品艺术品。
- The differentiated treatment of employees based on their performance can boost motivation. 基于绩效的员工差别待遇可以提高动力。
- Her differentiated approach to teaching allows students to learn at their own pace. 她差异化的教学方法使学生能够按照自己的节奏学习。
- He differentiates himself from others by always wearing unique and stylish clothing. 他通过总是穿着独特时尚的服装与众不同。
- The differentiation between the two products lies in their ingredients and packaging. 这两款产品之间的区别在于它们的配料和包装。