1. 炸弹般的,轰动性的 2. 极具吸引力的,迷人的名词(noun)
1. 炸弹 2. 爆炸性新闻,令人震惊的消息 3. 非常吸引人的人或事物词语辨析
bombshell vs explosive Bombshell强调的是消息或事件本身的震撼性,而explosive则更侧重于形容某种爆炸性的力量或物质。 bombshell vs shock Bombshell强调的是消息或事件给人带来的震惊和意外感,而shock更广泛地指由任何突然事件或情况引起的震惊。词汇扩充
1. bombshell report 炸弹性报道 2. drop a bombshell 抛出震撼弹 3. bombshell interview 炸弹级采访 4. bombshell revelation 令人震惊的揭示 5. bombshell announcement 爆炸性公告近义词
1. shocker 2. stunner 3. revelation 4. surprise反义词
1. expected news 2. predictable event柯林斯词典(Collins Dictionary)
名词(noun) 1. If you describe an event or a piece of news as a bombshell, you mean that it is very surprising, upsetting, or shocking. 2. If you describe a woman as a bombshell, you mean that she is very attractive. 形容词(adjective) 1. If you describe something as bombshell information or a bombshell announcement, you mean that it is sudden, unexpected, and usually has a strong and unpleasant effect. 2. If you describe someone, especially a woman, as bombshell, you mean that they are very attractive.牛津词典(Oxford Dictionary)
名词(noun) 1. An unexpected and surprising event, especially one that is damaging to the person or people involved. 2. A very attractive woman. 3. A bomb. 形容词(adjective) 1. (Of information) sudden and very shocking. 2. (Of a person) very attractive.用法
1. The news of the scandal was a bombshell to the public. 这起丑闻的消息对公众来说是个震撼。 2. She dropped a bombshell when she announced she was leaving the company. 她宣布离开公司时,让人大吃一惊。 3. The actress was considered a bombshell in the golden age of Hollywood. 这位女演员在好莱坞黄金时代被认为是个极具魅力的人物。例句
- The politician's scandalous affair was a bombshell to his supporters. 这位政治家的丑闻事件对他的支持者来说是个震撼。
- The announcement of massive layoffs came as a bombshell to the employees. 大规模裁员的公告对员工来说如同一颗震撼弹。
- Her bombshell revelation completely changed the course of the trial. 她的爆炸性揭示完全改变了审判的进程。
- The bombshell report exposed high-level corruption within the government. 这份炸弹性报道揭露了政府内部的高层腐败。
- The new employee turned out to be a bombshell, attracting attention from everyone in the office. 这位新员工竟然是个极富魅力的人,吸引了办公室里每个人的注意力。
- When she walked into the room, she was an absolute bombshell. 当她走进房间时,她简直是个绝对的美人。
- The bombshell interview revealed shocking details about the celebrity's personal life. 这次炸弹级采访揭示了这位名人个人生活中的令人震惊的细节。
- His resignation was a bombshell that no one saw coming. 他的辞职是个完全出人意料的震撼。
- The bombshell news of their engagement spread quickly through the town. 他们订婚的爆炸性消息迅速传遍了整个城镇。
- She dropped a bombshell when she revealed her secret talent. 她揭示她的秘密才华时,让人大吃一惊。
- The bombshell report exposed widespread corruption in the company. 这份爆炸性报道揭露了公司内部的普遍腐败。
- When she entered the room, she was a bombshell, capturing everyone's attention. 当她走进房间时,她是个极具吸引力的人,吸引了每个人的注意力。
- The bombshell announcement about the company's bankruptcy shocked investors. 关于公司破产的爆炸性公告让投资者感到震惊。
- He dropped a bombshell when he revealed the truth about the missing funds. 他揭示了关于失踪资金的真相,令人震惊。
- The actress was known as a bombshell, with her stunning looks and captivating presence. 这位女演员以她迷人的外貌和吸引人的气质而闻名。
- The news of their breakup was a bombshell to their fans. 他们分手的消息对他们的粉丝来说是个震撼。
- The bombshell interview exposed the truth behind the political scandal. 这次炸弹级采访揭示了政治丑闻背后的真相。
- The bombshell revelation about the company's illegal activities led to its downfall. 关于公司非法活动的爆炸性揭示导致了它的崩溃。
- She dropped a bombshell by announcing her retirement from the music industry. 她宣布从音乐行业退休,这让人震惊。
- The bombshell report uncovered widespread corruption within the government. 这份爆炸性报道揭露了政府内部的大规模腐败。