1. 进退两难的;左右为难的
2. 矛盾的;无法解决的
1. 困境;进退两难的局面
2. 两难选择;难以取舍的情况
1. quandary:指因为选择困难而陷入困境
2. predicament:指处境困难、难以摆脱的处境
3. conflict:指内心矛盾、无法抉择的冲突
1. dilemmatic:形容词,表示与困境或两难选择相关的
2. dilemmatically:副词,表示与困境或两难选择相关地
1. predicament
2. quandary
3. predilection
1. resolution
2. decision
柯林斯词典(Collins Dictionary)
A dilemma is a difficult situation in which you have to choose between two or more alternatives.
If you describe a situation or problem as a dilemma, you mean it is difficult to decide what to do because all the choices seem equally good or equally bad.
牛津词典(Oxford Dictionary)
A situation in which a difficult choice has to be made between two or more alternatives, especially ones that are equally undesirable.
(Of a situation) requiring a choice between equally undesirable alternatives.
1. I am in a dilemma.(我陷入了困境。)
2. He faced the dilemma of whether to tell the truth or remain silent.(他面临着是说实话还是保持沉默的两难选择。)
3. The government is in a dilemma over how to handle the economic crisis.(政府在如何应对经济危机的问题上进退两难。)
I found myself in a dilemma - whether to stay at home and miss the party or go out and risk getting soaked in the rain.(我陷入了两难选择:是待在家里错过派对,还是外出冒雨淋湿。)
The company faces a dilemma: either lay off employees or reduce salaries to survive the economic downturn.(公司面临着一个困境:要么裁员,要么降低工资以度过经济衰退。)
She was torn between her loyalty to her friend and telling the truth, caught in a moral dilemma.(她在忠于朋友和说实话之间犹豫不决,陷入了道德困境。)
The parents were in a dilemma whether to let their child go on the school trip due to safety concerns.(父母因为安全问题而犹豫是否让孩子参加学校旅行,陷入了两难境地。)
He faced a dilemma: to choose between a well-paid job he disliked or a low-paid job he loved.(他面临着一个两难选择:是选择一个高薪但不喜欢的工作,还是选择一个低薪但热爱的工作。)
The dilemma of whether to prioritize economic growth or environmental protection is a global challenge.(是优先发展经济还是环境保护的困境是一个全球性的挑战。)
The protagonist in the novel finds himself in a moral dilemma when he discovers a dark secret about his best friend.(小说中的主角在发现了关于他最好的朋友的一个黑暗秘密后,陷入了道德困境。)
She faced a personal dilemma: to pursue her dream career or to support her family financially.(她面临着一个个人困境:是追求自己的梦想事业还是在经济上支持家人。)
The government is grappling with the dilemma of balancing economic growth and income equality.(政府正在艰难应对经济增长和收入平等之间的两难困境。)
The team manager faced a dilemma when both players requested to be the starting pitcher in the crucial game.(当两名球员都要求在关键比赛中担任先发投手时,团队经理面临着进退两难的局面。)
The ethical dilemma presented in the movie challenges viewers to question their own values and beliefs.(电影中提出的伦理困境挑战着观众去质疑自己的价值观和信仰。)
The board of directors was caught in a dilemma between maximizing shareholder profits and fulfilling social responsibilities.(董事会陷入了股东利润最大化和履行社会责任之间的两难境地。)
She faced a dilemma in choosing between accepting the promotion that would require longer working hours or staying in her current position.(她在选择接受需要更长工作时间的升职还是留在现职之间陷入了困境。)
The detective found himself in a dilemma as he uncovered evidence that could either solve the case or jeopardize his safety.(侦探发现了可以解决案件或危及自己安全的证据,陷入了两难境地。)
He was torn between his desire for adventure and his responsibility to take care of his aging parents, facing a personal dilemma.(他在追求冒险的渴望和照顾年迈父母的责任之间犹豫不决,面临着个人困境。)
The moral dilemma portrayed in the play raises thought-provoking questions about the nature of right and wrong.(戏剧中描绘的道德困境引发了人们对是非本质的发人深省的问题。)
The protagonist's decision at the end of the movie resolves the dilemma and brings closure to the storyline.(电影结尾主角的决定解决了困境,并给故事情节带来了一个圆满的结局。)
She faced a dilemma of whether to pursue her passion for art or follow the practical path of a stable career.(她面临着追求艺术的激情还是走稳定职业的实际道路的两难选择。)
As a doctor, he often encounters ethical dilemmas when making decisions about patient treatments.(作为一名医生,在决定患者治疗时,他经常遇到伦理困境。)
The company's CEO is in a dilemma over whether to lay off employees or implement salary cuts to reduce costs.(公司的首席执行官在是否裁员或实施减薪以降低成本的问题上陷入了困境。)