consecrate [adjective]
1. 神圣的;受祝圣的
【例】a consecrate place of worship
2. 献身的;全心全意的;忠诚的
【例】a consecrate servant of God
consecrate [noun]
1. 受祝圣的地点
【例】The church was a consecrate, holy place for worship.
2. 受祝圣的人
【例】She is regarded as a consecrate for her selfless dedication to the community.
consecration [noun] 祝圣
consecrator [noun] 祝圣者
consecrated [adjective] 已祝圣的
consecrating [adjective] 祝圣的
sacred [adjective] 神圣的
devoted [adjective] 忠诚的
hallow, bless, sanctify, venerate, dedicate
desecrate, profane, violate
[形容词] If something is consecrated, it is officially declared to be holy and can be used for religious purposes.
[及物动词] If a building or an area of land is consecrated, it is officially declared to be holy and can be used for religious purposes.
[动词] If you consecrate yourself or your life to something, you solemnly commit yourself to it and promise to follow it or support it.
[动词] Make or declare (something, typically a church) sacred; dedicate formally to a religious or divine purpose.
[动词] Make (bread or wine) into the body or blood of Christ in the Eucharist.
[动词] Devote (something) exclusively to a particular purpose.
[动词] (archaic) Ordain (someone) to a sacred office, typically that of bishop.
1. The bishop will consecrate the new church next month.
2. The wine and bread are consecrated during the Eucharist.
3. She consecrated herself to a life of service.
- The church was a consecrate, holy place for worship.
【译】教堂是一个神圣的崇拜地。 - She is regarded as a consecrate for her selfless dedication to the community.
【译】由于她无私地奉献给社区,她被视为一个受到祝圣的人。 - The bishop performed the consecration of the new cathedral.
【译】主教主持了新教堂的祝圣仪式。 - They consecrated the ground for the burial of the soldiers.
【译】他们祝圣了用于埋葬士兵的地方。 - He consecrated his life to the service of others.
【译】他将自己的一生奉献给了他人。 - The consecrated host is a central aspect of the Catholic faith.
【译】圣体是天主教信仰的核心。 - They decided to consecrate their marriage in a traditional ceremony.
【译】他们决定在传统仪式中举行婚礼。 - She consecrated her talents to the pursuit of science.
【译】她将自己的才华献给了科学事业。 - The consecrator blessed the new priests during the ordination ceremony.
【译】祝圣者在神职仪式上为新牧师祈福。 - The consecrated ground is considered sacred by the local community.