1. rook (形容词):被骗的,受骗的。
2. rook (形容词):狡猾的,狡诈的。
1. rook (名词):秃鹰。
2. rook (名词):梨形车堡(象棋中的兵种)。
3. rook (名词):易受骗的人,容易上当的人。
4. rook (名词):高架堆积的巢穴(通常由秃鹰筑成)。
5. rook (名词):欺骗者,骗子。
1. rook vs. cheat:
- rook强调欺骗的手段,通常指通过狡猾的手段或诡计来欺骗他人。
- cheat指用不正当的手段或欺骗行为来获得个人利益。
1. rookery:鸟巢区,鸟儿的栖息地。
2. rookish:狡猾的,狡诈的。
1. deceive:欺骗,蒙蔽。
2. swindle:诈骗,欺诈。
3. trick:欺骗,诡计。
1. trust:信任,相信。
2. honesty:诚实,正直。
柯林斯词典(Collins Dictionary):
1. If someone calls you a rook, they mean that you are dishonest and likely to trick people in order to get what you want.
- 如果有人称你为rook,意思是你不诚实,可能会通过骗人来达到自己的目的。
1. If you are rooked, someone tricks you into doing something or into giving them something valuable.
- 如果你被rook了,意味着有人通过欺骗让你做某事或者让你给他们有价值的东西。
牛津词典(Oxford Dictionary):
1. A rook is a large black bird in the crow family.
- rook是鸦科中的一种大型黑鸟。
1. Trick or deceive (someone).
- 欺骗或欺骗(某人)。
- He rooked me into buying that fake watch.
- 他欺骗我买了那块假表。
- The rook flew high above the trees.
- 秃鹰在树上方高飞。
- She's a rook who cannot be trusted.
- 她是一个不可信任的骗子。
- The rookery is a noisy place during breeding season.
- 在繁殖季节,鸟巢区是一个嘈杂的地方。
1. The salesman rooked me into buying an overpriced product.
- 这个销售员骗我买了一个价格过高的产品。
2. The rook cawed loudly from the treetop.
- 秃鹰在树顶上大声啼叫。
3. Don't be a rook and fall for his tricks.
- 不要像个骗子一样上他的当。
4. The rook built its nest on top of the tall tree.
- 秃鹰在高大的树上筑巢。
5. John is a rook who always takes advantage of others' kindness.
- 约翰是个骗子,总是利用他人的善良。
6. The rookery is bustling with bird activity during the breeding season.
- 繁殖季节,鸟巢区热闹非凡。
7. The con artist rooked unsuspecting victims out of their life savings.
- 骗子骗取了毫不警惕的受害者的积蓄。
8. The rook flew gracefully across the sky.
- 秃鹰在天空中优雅地飞翔。
9. The rookish politician made false promises to gain votes.
- 这个狡猾的政客用虚假承诺来争取选票。
10. They rooked him into signing a fraudulent contract.
- 他们欺骗他签署了一份欺诈性合同。
11. The rook perched on a branch, observing its surroundings.
- 秃鹰栖息在一根树枝上,观察着周围的环境。
12. She fell victim to a rook's elaborate scam.
- 她成了一个骗子精心设计的骗局的受害者。
13. The rook built its nest high in the treetops.
- 秃鹰在树梢上筑巢。
14. The old man was easily rooked by the smooth-talking swindler.
- 这个老人很容易被口若悬河的骗子欺骗。
15. The rook cunningly deceived the other birds and stole their food.
- 秃鹰狡猾地欺骗其他鸟类并偷走了它们的食物。
16. The rook cleverly outwitted its prey, swooping down to catch it off guard.
- 秃鹰巧妙地智斗猎物,突然俯冲捕捉。
17. The magician rooked the audience with his sleight of hand.
- 魔术师用他的手法欺骗了观众。
18. The rook's nest was filled with stolen shiny objects.
- 秃鹰的巢里堆满了被偷来的闪亮物品。
19. The rook pretended to be injured to distract the predator from its nest.
- 秃鹰假装受伤以分散捕食者对巢穴的注意力。
20. The police officer was determined not to let the rook get away with the crime.
- 警官决心不让骗子逍遥法外。