1. 名词
[C] 部分,份额
[U] 一份,一部分
[C] 一人份食物
[C] (土地的)部分,区域
[C] 遗产的一份
portion: 指任何可以划分、分配或分离出来的整体的一部分。
part: 普通用词,指一个整体中的任何部分,可以是物体、事物、概念等。
section: 指将一个整体划分成的几个相互分离的部分。
portionless: 没有份额的,无份的
apportion: 分配,分摊
portioner: 分配者,配给者
part, section, segment, fragment
whole, entirety, total
2. 形容词
portion: 部分的,部分性质的
portioned: 分成部分的,配给的
portionless: 没有份额的,无份的
[名词] A portion of something is a part of it.
[名词] If you refer to portions of something, you are referring to amounts or quantities of it that are being considered separately.
[名词] A portion of food is the amount of it that is served to one person at a meal.
[名词] A portion of land is a particular area of it.
[名词] A portion of someone's money or property is the part of it that they have decided to give to someone else when they die.
[形容词] A portion is used to describe food that is enough for one person.
[名词] A part of a larger amount or area.
[名词] A helping of food.
[名词] A part of a whole that is allocated to a person or group.
[动词] Divide (something) into shares to be distributed among two or more people.
- She only ate a small portion of the cake.
- We split the profits into equal portions.
- He served me a generous portion of lasagna.
- The development project covers a large portion of the city.
- She left a portion of her estate to charity.
- The restaurant offers portion sizes suitable for individuals.
- The teacher divided the cake into equal portions for the students.老师把蛋糕平均分给学生。
- Can I have a portion of your dessert?我能吃一点你的甜点吗?
- The factory occupies a large portion of the industrial park.工厂占据了工业园的大部分地区。
- He inherited a portion of his father's fortune.他继承了父亲财产的一部分。
- The recipe makes enough for two portions.这个食谱足够两个人份。
- She ate a small portion of the pizza and saved the rest for later.她吃了一小部分比萨饼,把剩下的留到以后吃。
- We need to divide the work into manageable portions.我们需要把工作分成可管理的部分。
- Each student received an equal portion of the project to complete.每个学生都得到了一个相等的部分来完成项目。
- The land was divided into different portions for farming and housing.这块土地被划分成不同的区域用于农业和住宅。
- She left a portion of her estate to her children and the rest to charity.她将遗产留给了孩子们的一部分,剩下的给了慈善机构。
- He ordered a large portion of fries with his burger.他点了一个汉堡包和一大份薯条。
- The company donated a portion of its profits to local charities.公司将一部分利润捐赠给了当地的慈善机构。
- She served each guest a portion of the main course.她给每位客人上了一份主菜。
- He requested a smaller portion of pasta as he was not very hungry.他要求上一小份面食,因为他不是很饿。
- The park is divided into different portions for picnicking and sports activities.这个公园分为不同的区域用于野餐和运动活动。
- She plans to donate a portion of her salary to a charity every month.她计划每个月将工资的一部分捐赠给一个慈善机构。
- The waiter served a large portion of steak to the customer.侍者给客人端上了一大块牛排。
- The city council has allocated a portion of the budget for infrastructure development.市议会已经分配了预算的一部分用于基础设施发展。
- We need to divide the tasks into smaller portions to complete the project efficiently.我们需要把任务分成更小的部分,以便高效地完成项目。
- The family members shared the inheritance, each receiving an equal portion.家庭成员分担了遗产,每个人都得到了相等的一份。
- The recipe yields two portions of soup.这个食谱可以做两份汤。