英 [ɪkˈspləʊd] 美 [ɪkˈsploʊd]
exploded: 爆炸的
exploding: 爆炸的
explosion: 爆炸
explode: 指突然猛烈地爆炸,产生剧烈的声音和破坏力。
burst: 指突然破裂或爆炸,通常用于形容突然释放压力或液体喷溅。
blow up: 指用爆炸物破坏或摧毁物体。
exploder: 爆破器
explosive: 爆炸性的
unexploded: 未爆炸的
blast: 爆炸
detonate: 引爆
implode: 向内爆炸
1. If something explodes or if someone or something explodes it, it bursts loudly and violently, causing damage or injury.
2. If the number, size, or amount of something explodes or if something explodes it, it increases very quickly and suddenly.
3. If you explode with anger or laughter, you suddenly express a very strong emotion by shouting, crying, or laughing loudly.
1. Burst or shatter violently and noisily as a result of rapid combustion, decomposition, excessive heat, or other process, typically with the ejection of debris.
2. Increase suddenly in a violent or emotional way.
3. Show or embody (an emotion or feeling) very strongly or to an exaggerated degree.
explode + in: 爆炸于
explode + into: 爆炸为
explode + with: 因...而爆发
explode + at: 对...爆发
explode + on: 爆发于
explode + over: 因...爆发争论
explode + for: 因...爆发争论
- The bomb exploded, killing several people instantly.(炸弹爆炸了,瞬间导致几人死亡。)
- The fireworks exploded with a loud bang.(烟火砰的一声爆炸。)
- The population of the city has exploded in recent years.(这个城市的人口近年来迅速增长。)
- Her anger exploded and she shouted at him.(她的愤怒爆发了,她朝他大声喊道。)
- The crowd exploded in applause when the performer finished his act.(表演者表演结束后,观众爆发出掌声。)
- The bomb exploded into thousands of fragments.(炸弹爆炸成千上万个碎片。)
- He exploded with rage when he heard the news.(他听到这个消息后勃然大怒。)
- The car tire exploded due to excessive pressure.(汽车轮胎由于压力过大而爆炸。)
- The argument between the two friends exploded into a full-blown fight.(这两个朋友之间的争论演变成了一场大打出手。)
- Her face exploded into a smile when she saw her friends.(当她看到她的朋友时,她的脸上露出了笑容。)
- The volcano exploded, spewing ash and lava into the sky.(火山爆发,喷发出灰烬和岩浆。)
- The party exploded into life when the DJ started playing upbeat music.(DJ开始播放欢快的音乐时,派对活跃起来。)
- He exploded with laughter at the comedian's jokes.(他听到喜剧演员的笑话后,大笑起来。)
- The bomb exploded on impact, destroying the building completely.(炸弹撞击后爆炸,将建筑彻底摧毁。)
- The news of the scandal exploded in the media.(丑闻的消息在媒体上爆发了。)
- Her anger exploded at him and she shouted every insult she could think of.(她对他怒火中烧,高声呵斥起每个能想到的侮辱话语。)
- The conflict between the two countries exploded into a full-scale war.(这两个国家之间的冲突演变成了一场全面战争。)
- The protesters exploded in anger when the police arrived.(警察到达时,抗议者愤怒爆发。)
- The bomb exploded unexpectedly, causing widespread panic.(炸弹突然爆炸,引发了普遍恐慌。)
- He exploded with excitement when he heard the good news.(他听到这个好消息后兴奋不已。)
- The argument exploded over a disagreement about money.(争论是因为在金钱上意见不合而爆发的。)